Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Logic in Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Rationale in Argument - Essay Example Creative pioneers effectively look for methods for expanding correspondence and separating interdepartmental hindrances between the administration and the laborers. The activities of doing so run from entertainment spaces where open discussions can be utilized for making introductions to physical structuring of work. Gatherings, for instance, improve the workersââ¬â¢ specialized correspondence, yet in addition make them mindful of the abilities, accomplishments and progress of their friend rivals. Such a situation ingrains the requirement for inventiveness through basic reasoning (Klemm, 2012). Overspecialization is one way that thwarts imaginative idea. A hierarchical group with individuals from differing foundations makes a scholarly domain that can possibly advance turn of events. A domain with differing minds has an expansive point of view of assessing issues and getting better approaches to the best arrangements. Additionally, new undertakings emerge from a blend of specialized abilities and inventiveness (klemm, 2012). Bill Simon is one pioneer who has indicated the previously mentioned basic reasoning aptitudes. He has been the CEO of Wal-Mart USA stores until his retirement on August this year. Simon joined the organization in 2006 as the VP responsible for proficient administrations. Somewhere in the range of 2007 and 2010, he was the head working official. During this period, he made and propelled the $4 physician endorsed tranquilize bundle. In 2010, Simon, made a gigantic pivot by revising botches in product and valuing. He likewise reestablished a few things that the organization had halted delivered and furthermore prevailing with regards to offering low
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Mrsa Essay Example
Mrsa Essay MRSA: An advancing ââ¬Å"super-bugâ⬠scourge MRSA represents Methicillin-safe Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and is a bacterial disease that is exceptionally impervious to certain anti-infection agents. So, anti-microbials have been utilized since the 40s to stop the development of microscopic organisms. Be that as it may, the more anti-microbials are utilized, the speedier the microorganisms become impervious to it while every year more sorts of microscopic organisms adjust and get impervious to anti-infection agents. With MRSA being so impervious to a considerable lot of the anti-microbials, grouping it as a ââ¬Å"super-bugâ⬠, it makes treatment of skin contaminations and obtrusive inward diseases significantly more entangled. This prompts numerous yearly passings. Truth be told, MRSA measurements show that more amazing year from MRSA diseases than the AIDS infection. Etiology: MRSA is a strain of Staphylococcus aureus microorganisms, which is otherwise called the bacterial sickness. It is likewise medicinally known as S. aureus and is a typical kind of microorganisms that ordinarily live on the skin and now and again in the nasal entries of sound individuals. This S. aureus strain doesn't react to a portion of the anti-toxins used to treat bacterial sicknesses. The microorganisms can cause contamination when they enter the body through a cut, sore, catheter, or breathing cylinder or just when it comes into contact with the skin. The disease can be as minor as a cut or pimple or it very well may be progressively genuine when it includes the heart or lungs. In any case, genuine bacterial sicknesses are increasingly basic in individuals with feeble insusceptible frameworks, for example, the old or the individuals who are as of now wiped out and hospitalized. MRSA contaminations are gathered into two kinds dependent on their causative components. In Healthcare-related MRSA (HA-MRSA) diseases, individuals who are or have as of late been in an emergency clinic or social insurance office are influenced. We will compose a custom article test on Mrsa explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Mrsa explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Mrsa explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer An enormous level of medical clinic procured bacterial sicknesses are identified with MRSA microscopic organisms. Then again, Community-related MRSA (CA-MRSA) diseases happen in individuals who have not as of late been in the emergency clinic inside the previous year. This sort of contamination has happened among competitors who share gear or individual things and youngsters in childcare offices. Individuals from the military and the individuals who get tattoos are likewise in danger. A companion of mine obtained MRSA from a hot tub at a lodging resort while in the midst of a get-away. This is additionally why it is essential to cover latrine seats while utilizing an open bathroom or clean the exercise center gear when you use it. Page 2 Epidemiology: MRSA has become a developing concern. Research demonstrates that this brutal microbes is developing quickly and cases even outside human services offices are expanding. Upwards of 1. 2 million U. S. clinic patients are tainted with MRSA every year, which is right around multiple times more than recently evaluated. As indicated by the Centers for Disease Control, in the year 2005, MRSA was answerable for an expected 94,000 intrusive perilous contaminations and near 19,000 passings. In the only us, there were an estimated12 million specialist or emergency clinic visits for skin and delicate tissue diseases suspected to be brought about by staph aureus in the year 2003. The latest measurements show that 20% of circulatory system contaminations in emergency clinics are presently brought about by MRSA. The regular reason for this developing illness is that medical clinic staff who don't follow appropriate sterile strategies move the microbes from patient to tolerant. A few medical clinics screen for MRSA and confine such patients, yet most US emergency clinics don't yet do this. Then again, insights show that as clinic related MRSA is declining to because of improved precautionary measures, network related MRSA is on the ascent. As of not long ago, medical clinics were the most probable spot that individuals would get MRSA, however now the greatest MRSA wellbeing hazard is identified with network obtained MRSA. As per the Journal of the American Medical Association, CA-MRSA has become the most incessant reason for skin and delicate tissue contaminations in the United States. The CDC reports that in 2007, 14% of individuals with MRSA contaminations had CA-MRSA. Pathogenesis: The most well-known manifestations of MRSA start with a red, swollen, and difficult zone on the skin. It is encouraged to perceive these signs and counsel a specialist when these manifestations emerge. You should watch out for minor skin issues, for example, pimples, creepy crawly nibbles, cuts and scratches (particularly in kids) and see a specialist if the injuries become tainted. Different side effects and signs that the contamination is creating incorporate waste of discharge or different liquids from the site, fever, skin abscesses, and warmth around the tainted zone. Manifestations of progressively genuine MRSA cases that demonstrate the contamination has spread incorporate chest torment, chills, hack, weakness, general sick inclination (disquietude), cerebral pain, muscle hurts, rash, and brevity of breath. The hazard factors for the two unique strains of MRSA contrast. In the medicinal services related MRSA, the hazard is clearly expanded for older patients and the individuals who are wiped out with debilitated invulnerable frameworks. The danger of MRSA is likewise higher among patients who have an intrusive clinical gadget embedded, for example, IVs and catheters. These give a pathway to MRSA to get into the body. MRSA is additionally increasingly pervasive in nursing homes. Transporters of MRSA can Page 3 spread it regardless of whether theyre not debilitated or show manifestations of contamination. Regarding people group obtained MRSA, those at higher hazard incorporate individuals who take an interest in physical games since it spreads effectively through slices and scraped spots and skin-to-skin contact. Likewise, are those living in swarmed or unsanitary conditions. Flare-ups of MRSA have happened in military preparing camps, youngster care focuses, and imprisons. It is additionally said that gay men are at higher danger of creating MRSA contaminations. Indicative apparatuses and procedures: After a specialist suspects MRSA, they will send an example of tissue or a culture from the injury zone and additionally nasal emission to a lab. The example is put in a dish of supplements that support bacterial development. It takes around 48 hours for the microscopic organisms to develop so as to screen the outcomes. Be that as it may, more current tests still in investigate stages, can recognize staph DNA very quickly are presently getting all the more generally accessible. These new techniques test for a quality that presents protection from the anti-infection agents Methicillin, Oxacillin, Nafcillin, and Dicloxacillin and other comparable anti-infection agents. Atomic tests for MRSA screening can possibly identify nasal or twisted carriage inside hours rather than days required by culture, which at that point elicits the danger of MRSA related confusions. In the event that either a culture or an atomic test is certain for MRSA, at that point the individual is determined to have MRSA at the site that was tried. There are a few conditions that can impersonate MRSA before the zone is tried for the microbes. A portion of the side effects related with MRSA are additionally connected with a yeast contamination, diaper rash, skin inflammation, dermatitis, an ingrown hair, and bed wounds. Treatment: As expressed by the U. S. Places for Disease Control and Prevention: First-line treatment for gentle abscesses is entry point and seepage. Specialists will deplete the influenced hair as well as trim out the skin zone that is influenced by MRSA. This forestalls development and spread. Luckily, most MRSA still can likewise still be treated by specific anti-infection agents. The CDC additionally states: If anti-toxin treatment is clinically shown, it ought to be guided by the defenselessness profile of the life form. At the point when the tests are hurried to confirm that the Staph microscopic organisms detached from a given patient are Methicillin safe, these tests additionally give data about which anti-toxins can effectively slaughter the microbes (its vulnerability profile). Penicillin was once utilized as a viable anti-toxin treatment against the staph microscopic organisms, yet in the wake of utilizing it for only a Page multi decade, half of the staph microorganisms got impervious to the anti-toxin. Presently under 10% of bacterial sicknesses will react to the Penicillin. Today, specialists use Vancomycin, which is an a lot more grounded and increasingly harmful anti-microbial. Generally moderate to extreme diseases should be treated by intravenous anti-toxins, normally given in the medical clinic setting. Guess: Since the start of 2010, the normal grown-up death rate was about 5% of MRSA contaminated patients. An investigation in 2009 shows that youngsters under 18 years of age are at less danger of biting the dust from MRSA. Their death rate is at present about 1% of every single tainted patient. Network procured MRSA has far less inconveniences than medical clinic obtained as long as the patient satisfactorily reacts to treatment and doesn't require hospitalization. Be that as it may, patients with complexities for the most part are at more serious hazard for a far more awful result. Inconveniences of MRSA can happen in all organ frameworks and can prompt changeless organ harm or passing. They incorporate kidney or lung contamination, coronary illness, bone disease, tissue harm, and blood harming. Obviously, early determination and treatment as a rule brings about better results and the decrease of further confusions. It could take as long as a while to recoup from MRSA depending the amount of the body is tainted, inconveniences, and how anti-toxins react. Individuals who are contaminated are tried until the lab tests come up negative. Preventive Methods: There are a few different ways to bring down a people danger of securing both medical clinic and network related MRSA. In emergency clinics, individuals who are recognized with MRSA microbes are regularly positioned in disconnection. Guests and human services laborers in contact with individuals in seclusion are required to wear defensive articles of clothing and follow severe cleanliness methods. Tainted materials are additionally sterilized. Emergency clinics are required to follow severe systems to forestall MRSA from sprea
Monday, July 27, 2020
2016 Wait Listed Freshman - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
2016 Wait Listed Freshman - UGA Undergraduate Admissions 2016 Wait Listed Freshman We plan to make the final wave of freshman decisions available late afternoon today, March 18th. For some students, you will be offered a place on our wait list. Every year our office has to predict approximately how many students we can admit in order to enroll our freshman class, but we can never be sure how many students will enroll until after the May 1 commitment deposit deadline has passed. If the number of students who say they will be attending UGA is lower than we expect, we may need to go to our wait list group in order to get the size that we want for our freshman class. This year we have roughly 700 students on the wait list. We carefully monitor the deposits coming into the University to see where we are in comparison to the predicted freshman numbers. For those of you who have been wait-listed, here is a chance for you to comment. Please remember that this is not a blog where you should post statistics or throw fellow classmates under the bus. These types of comments will be deleted. The Wait List FAQ can answer some questions, but the most important thing you need to do is decide if you want to remain on the wait list. Follow the instructions on the status check or wait list letter we mailed to let us know if you want to stay on the wait list or if you want to decline this option and move forward with admission at another college. If you decide to stay on the wait list, you should still move forward with an alternate college plan as we will not know about any wait list options until May at the earliest. If you select to stay on the wait list, we will know that you still want to attend UGA if an opportunity opens up. The key word in wait list is wait as this is not a quick process. So please be prepared to wait. There are three options for the wait list reply. You can say no, please do not consider me for the wait list. The next option is to remain on the wait list, but only if it is for the Fall term. The third option is to remain on the wait list and be considered for both Fall and Spring terms. This is so that if there is space available for the Fall term, we will look at all of the students who have asked to remain on the wait list. If the only space available is for Spring term, we will only look at students who said Fall or Spring. Once you select an option, you cannot change it so be sure to think about your decision before you make your selection. We will not know details about the wait list until after May 15, and it may be well after that. Please be patient with our office and read the FAQ before asking questions as it can give you a great deal of information. If you do not feel like you can wait until mid-May through mid-June for a decision, it may be that the wait list option is not for you.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Rocking Horse Winner Analytical Essay - 1116 Words
Everyone Has a Secret That Controls The Inside By: Anna DeWitt Decatur High School 03/13/2013 Ms.Stahl Living behind a faà §ade in life can bring complications to those who value things in life. ââ¬Å"The Rocking-Horse Winnerâ⬠by D.H. Lawrence is a symbolic short story that represents the idea that the more oneââ¬â¢s values lie with material goods the less one is able to connect with reality or the intangible tenets of life. This perspective is supported throughout the story by the direct characterization of Hester and Paul, the use of personification and similes and in the rising action to the conclusionââ¬â¢s gradual release of detail. D.H. Lawrence accomplishes the theme by using dramatic relationships with the characters, Paul andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The yearning desire for wealth changed Paulââ¬â¢s character, making him a round character by the changes shown through his eyes in, ââ¬Å"his eyes had a strange glare in themâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (298). Paul gained his wealth by predicting the names of winning horses by riding on his rocking horse, his uncle would take him to horse derbyââ¬â¢s where he would place high wages to earn money for love. Money cannot buy love nor happiness as shown in, ââ¬Å"Quite moderately niceâ⬠(304) Paulââ¬â¢s mother said in a voice so cold and absent it made him strive for more. Paulââ¬â¢s greatest conflict is against himself, because he allows pressure from his mother and society to drive him into a yearning for money and social status, the outcome of this conflict resulted in his death. The author uses symbolism to show the burning desire of acceptance in the higher-class and how it changed Paulââ¬â¢s outlook on life. The rocking horse is an object Paul revolves his dependence on. It is a symbol for his family desires, as a rocking horse has no end to its rocking, similar to his familyââ¬â¢s cycle of materialism; there is no end to their quest of monetary gain of status in society and wealth as said in, ââ¬Å"My family has been a gambling familyâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (305). The motherââ¬â¢s family has a past of gamblers and money cravers. Paulââ¬â¢s increasing obsession for acceptance is shown through his eyes in, ââ¬Å"his eyes were blue fireâ⬠, ââ¬Å"flushed and with eyes blazing, was curiouslyShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words à |à 1617 Pages168 How Creative Are You ? 169 Innovative Attitude Scale 171 Creative Style Assessment 172 SKILL LEARNING 174 Problem Solving, Creativity, and Innovation 174 Steps in Analytical Problem S olving 174 Defining the Problem 174 Generating Alternatives 176 Evaluating Alternatives 176 Implementing the Solution 177 Limitations of the Analytical Problem-Solving Model 178 Impediments to Creative Problem Solving 178 Multiple Approaches to Creativity 179 Conceptual Blocks 183 Percy Spencerââ¬â¢s Magnetron 185 Spence
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Things Fall Apart Individuality vs. Nationality - 843 Words
Of the many themes that appear in Chinua Achebeââ¬â¢s Things Fall Apart, individuality versus nationality becomes a central topic as the story progresses and develops. With the invasion and colonization of the European missionaries, Okonkwoââ¬â¢s nationality and contributions to society are called into question. Achebe explains the idea of nationality over individuality by showing that society is the precursor to individuality. Examining the life of the protagonist, Okonkwo, before and after his resistance exemplifies this key idea in Things Fall Apart. Without society, there would be no individuality. Okonkwoââ¬â¢s characteristics include praise and reputation, which his tribe gives him for throwing the Cat. Achebe explains Okonkwoââ¬â¢s reputation,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Okonkwoââ¬â¢s family was under his control, as the culture expected of him, which allowed him to have less conflicts and issues in his life. At this time, his own customs carried more importan ce than his own personal needs which resulted in a better life for him. He was able to be a part of society and have unity. However, once he steps away from this life, his life falls apart. When looking at his life before this resistance, it is clear to see that life was better when he was a part of the culture and when he conformed to the expectations of society. However, when Okonkwo retaliate back against society, there are dire consequences. In his first act of defiance, Okonkwo strikes down his adopted son, Ikemefuna, killing him. Even though the elders instruct him not to do so, or even partake in the killing, Okonkwo meets the consequences of his action with extreme guilt and depression. While this lasts for weeks, Okonkwoââ¬â¢s next act of defiance causes much more severe consequences. He is sent into exile, turning him into what the opposite of what he wished to become, a disgrace like Unoka. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
World War II What Made Allied Victory Possible Free Essays
string(67) " troops to continue his conquest and next stop was Czechoslovakia\." The Second World War was the most important event in the 20th century. It changed the course of history when the destruction caused by the conflict resulted in changing the power structure in Europe. At the end of the war the economies of Germany, Japan, France, and the United Kingdom was threatened due to war reparations and the cost of human lives. We will write a custom essay sample on World War II: What Made Allied Victory Possible or any similar topic only for you Order Now But the United States who waged war from a distance came out of the war as the new global superpower. But in the first two years of the second global conflict there was no indication that Axis Powers will lose the war. It was only after Germany engaged the enemy on two fronts and when the United States joined the fray that the Allied Powers were able to gather enough strength to defeat Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and Fascist Italy. Background It is impossible to understand World War II without going back a few decades and study the First World War. This is because the first and second global conflict had one common denominator ââ¬â Germany as the main player and main loser for both events. In World War I Germany was in the center of the conflict as it tried to honor an alliance with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The heir to the Astro-Hungarian Empire was assassinated by someone who had links to the Serbian government. Thus the Hapsburg Empire was forced to issue an ultimatum to Serbia. The Serbian government in turn had pride and honor at stake and this prevented them from acceding to their demands. Russia was sympathetic to Serbia and promised to assist her if Germany will support the Hapsburg government. The only problem here is that Russia was allied to France and Britain. The Triple Entente composed of Britain, France and Russia was bound by an accord that the triumvirate signed in 1907 (Neiberg, 2005). On the other hand, the opposing team, the Central Powers composed of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria were bound by their own treaties and alliances as well (Neiberg, 2005). And so begins the chain reaction of events that would escalate the conflict in Europe. To make the long story short the Central Powers were defeated by the Triple Entente. It is interesting to note that after the First World War Bulgaria, Austria-Hungary Empire and Turkey were reduced to almost nothing. Germany suffered the same fate, humiliated and without the capability to rise up again as an empire. All of that began to change two decades later when an ambitious young leader by the name of Adolph Hitler ââ¬â he was a corporal in World War I ââ¬â was able to inspire the German people that they can repossessed what was taken from them. In the 1930s Hitler with his charisma and visionary leadership was able to create a Nazi party that would soon threaten the whole world. Nazi Germanyââ¬â¢s Early Success There are many reasons why Nazi Germany was militarily successful in the first two years of the war. First of all, Hitlerââ¬â¢s Nazi party, the engine that runs the war campaign had the support of the German people. According to Fulbrook, ââ¬Å"For much of the 1930s, they experienced a certain congruence of aims with the Nazis, in the areas of economic regeneration under authoritarian, anti-union auspices, and rearmament and revision of the hated Treaty of Versaillesâ⬠(1991). Aside from the popularity of the Nazi party, German forces were successful in war because of Hitlerââ¬â¢s visionary leadership as well as his decisiveness when it comes to enforicing Nazi foreign policy. Hitler was able to communicate so clearly how Germany would rise again and take back what belongs to them. He was able to show the German people that if they will do it right this time, then never again will outsiders ridicule them. His vision will be realized if the German people will support his foreign policy program. As mentioned earlier this will entail the revising of the Treaty of Versailles ââ¬â an armistice with the victors of World War I that proved to be disastrous for Germany. Secondly, Hitlerââ¬â¢s foreign policy requires the incorporation of Austria and transforming Czechoslovakia and Poland into satellite states; then confronting France and then Russia before going after world domination (Fulbrook, 1991). This foreign policy program may have been a byproduct of the Fuhrerââ¬â¢s false sense of superiority but one has to admit that it inspired the German people. For those who doubt they only need to review war films and pictures that show enthusiastic German soldiers eager to lay their lives for Hitlerââ¬â¢s dream of a Third Reich. War Weary Europe The Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1918. In 1938 Hitlerââ¬â¢s army marched triumphantly into Austria without firing a single shot; it was a bloodless invasion. In 1938 Europe was only two decades removed from the bloodiest European conflict in recent history. The Europeans could still feel the impact of the First World War where millions of young men died from senseless violence. Now here comes Hitler, with an army determined to fight old enemies once again in the blood drenched battlefields of Europe. It was clear that France and Britain are not interested for a repeat performance. It was clear for Hitler and his cohorts that Britain is their number one problem. But Britain was not the same empire that terrorized many in the 18th and 19th century. In the 1930s it was a shell of its former self. It had to go through a bloody war with its American colonies and in 1914 to 1918 participated in the first global war. Britain was war weary as the rest of Europe. Aside form that the British had to deal with a lot of problems as a result of having many colonies around the world (Rock, 2000). Hitler apparently understood that Britain will not stand in his way and so Hitler began to move his troops to continue his conquest and next stop was Czechoslovakia. You read "World War II: What Made Allied Victory Possible" in category "Papers" This prompted action from the Britain but they did not wish to fight Germany, only to negotiate. The then British Prime Minister Chamberlain tried to diffuse the situation by offering appeasement to Germany. At the end of the Munich Conference in 1938, there were certain borders of Czechoslovakia that was ceded to Nazi Germany (Fulbrook, 2005). Chamberlain declared that peace was achieved and war averted but he did not realize that Hitler was merely warming up. Less than a year later Hitler invaded what was left of Czechoslovakia and was met with little resistance. At this point Hitler has become a European bully; but no one was strong enough to stand against him. Leaders from France and Britain tried their best to be strategic and not use their emotions in making decisions. Meanwhile Hitler made another brilliant move when he secured a pact with Russia. By doing so Hitler will be assured that in the event of an escalation of conflict he will not have to fight a war in two fronts. Hitler began to make another major campaign, this time he wanted to get Poland. But Britain said no and then went further to assure the Polish government that Great Britain is ready to help her against foreign invaders. But by this time, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦Hitler had by now formed the impression that Britain was essentially weak and vacillating, and would not stand by its guaranteeâ⬠(Fulbrook, 2005). Less than a year after the Munich Conference Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939. In a lighting campaign (Blitzkrieg) German forces overwhelmed Poland in less than three weeks of fighting (Fulbrook, 2005). Britain and France declared war on Germany. Hitlerââ¬â¢s Army Aside from Hitlerââ¬â¢s charisma, vision and decisive leadership, another important aspect of Nazi Germany is the presence of elite soldiers called the German SS or Schutzstaffeln. These were handpicked men that were groomed to become an elite fighting unit. The German SS would, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦spearhead some of the most crucial battles of WWII while its men would shoulder some of the most difficult and daunting combat operations of the units in the German militaryâ⬠(GermanWArMachine, 2007). In 1929 Hitler asked his most trusted aide, Heinrich Himmler to form an elite force that will safeguard the Nazi Party, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦a troop dependable in every circumstanceâ⬠(Stein, 1984). And that is what he got. After undergoing a process of difficult training and learning how to best serve under the Third Reich the German SS went through a baptism of fire. In June 30, 1934, in an event that will be known as the Night of the Long Knives SS troops crossed a point of no return and forever sealed their fate as the most frightening Special Forces under the command of the Fuhrer (Stein, 1984). In this fateful night Hitler ordered his shock troops to eliminate the core group of their arch-rival the SA (Sturmabteilungen). The bloody purging, where the German SS killed their former comrade-in-arms forever changed their image and their mindsets, now they are ready to conquer the world. Allied Victory There were at least four major factors that led to Allied Victory, first of all there was strong leadership among the Allied Forces; secondly the United States of America, the emerging global superpower decided to participate after years of being an observer; thirdly the Allied Forces ability to exploit resources, specifically fossil fuel; and finally Allied Victory was made possible by Hitlerââ¬â¢s major blunder, engaging the enemy in two fronts. All four will be discussed in the following pages starting with the discussion of leadership that was well illustrated by the actions of Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, General Marshall, and Gen. Eisenhower. Leadership The Second World War was not only about battlefields and mechanized warfare. It was also a political stage where national leaders from both side of the fence were able to show their courage, brilliance, and strength of character. One of the most important leaders during the dark times of Nazi supremacy was Winston Churchill who made a defiant stand against Hitler and his army. This was illustrated in the year 1941, in one of the darkest times in British history. The British government declared war on Germany and received a harsh reply; the forces of the Third Reich continued to pound on Great Britain and weakened her considerably. Hitler and his cohorts were very much aware that the English people are going to be a major roadblock to world domination. Yet, Hitler was confident that the England would finally succumb to their air raid and Blitzkrieg. But Hitler underestimated the resolve of one man ââ¬â Winston Churchill. At the onset of World War II the U. S. government could not see the wisdom of meddling with the European conflict. America was so far removed from the European theater of war that it was contented to stay on the sidelines. Still, America contributed to the Allied cause by sending in equipment and war materials to Britain. This neutral stance would have remained if only Japan did not bomb Pearl Harbor. But after the shocking attack in the said American military base, the United States could not simply wage war against the formidable trio of Germany, Japan and Italy. The U. S. mainland needed the wisdom and strength of an able leader. They were fortunate to find these rare qualities in the person of Franklin D. Roosevelt. While Churchill and Roosevelt played a crucial role in bringing together alliance that would defeat Nazi Germany it would require another set of leaders to execute a plan for defeating Hitler in Europe. In this regard two outstanding military leaders needed to be mentioned in this section ââ¬â George Marshall and Dwight Eisenhower. In 1942 the Americans are already part of the conflict. Its main job is to build an army, secure the shipping lines to get it overseas, establish and organization through which America can work with the British on a strategy to defeat Hitler (Ambrose, 1999). The United States was fortunate to have George Marshall and Dwight D. Eisenhower on board. Stephen Ambrose was able to succinctly describe the contribution of these great men and he wrote: Marshallââ¬â¢s strengths were in the higher levels of policy, organization, and strategy. In these areas Eisenhower followed, for he was an operator rather than a theoretician, the perfect man to take Marshallââ¬â¢s concepts and translate them into practice. The Supreme Allied Command in Europe would never have come about had it not been for Marshallââ¬â¢s thought, driving force, and persuasive powers, but it would not have worked had it not been for Eisenhower (Ambrose, 1999). All these men worked together to bring about Allied victory. The Free World will forever be indebted to Churchill for his defiant stand against Germany. If he raised the white flag of surrender in 1940 Hitler could have easily gathered momentum and proceeded with his ultimate plan of world domination. Without Rooseveltââ¬â¢s wisdom of first helping the British and then following shortly to join the war the Allied Forces could not have mustered enough manpower and firepower to defeat the Axis Powers. And without the able leadership of Marshall and Eisenhower Allied Forces could not have assembled an army so large and so effective that it was able to bring Germany to its knees. American Participation Much has been said about the defiant stand of the British forces as well as the British people who had to endure the regular air raids of the German Luftwaffe. But Great Britain knew that the best that they could hope for was a stalemate. They had to get help from an outsider in order for them to break the deadlock and proceed to start a counter-attack. But in the beginning of the war it was clear that there is no other nation in Europe that could neutralize the brutal efficiency and rabid determination of the German army. The assistance that Britain desperately needed did not come from the European continent but form another land mass across the Atlantic. One of the gross tactical error of the Axis Powers was to give the go signal for Japan to bomb Pearl Harbor. With hindsight it will be easy to analyze that attacking and provoking America was a serious blunder that cost them the war. America was content to stay behind the scenes and did not make any commitment to lend a major part of their industries to help the Allied Forces. But all of this changed when Pearl Harbor was decimated by Japanââ¬â¢s Imperial forces. The subsequent declaration of America that it has joined the war signaled a crucial turning point in World War II. Resources One of the most crucial factors that gave victory to the Allies was there capability to exploit and control fossil fuel. According to Williamson Murray access to petroleum products was an important aspect of the war considering that Germany and Japan were already dependent on foreign oil before they went to war (Murray, 2001). This probably explains why Hitler planned on scoring a quick victory. It was apparent that Hitler could not afford to engage in a long-drawn-out war. But as the war progressed the participation of the United States proved to be very crucial because America produced two-thirds of the worldââ¬â¢s petroleum (Murray, 2001). When Germany and Japan could not access fossil fuel their operations was critically affected. Germany Divided Leadership was an important factor in winning the war for the Allies. But the Axis Powers had great leaders too so it can easily neutralize the Allied Forces in the leadership department. The entry of the United States in World War II was also a factor why Germany lost in the war but America was too far away from Europe and it would require a massive logistical effort before it can begin developing and sending soldiers into Europe. Germany still had time to prepare for the incoming Americans. Resources was also a crucial factor in the war but if Hitler can continually use Blitzkrieg, his lightning fast method of deploying troops and engaging the enemy, the war could be over even without draining resources form Germany. In the initial phase of World War II this was the case ââ¬â European nations easily gave up their freedom when held at gunpoint by German forces. Therefore it can be argued that the single most crucial factor that led to the demise of Nazi Germany was its decision to disregard the pact made earlier between Russia and then proceeded to attack the Soviet Union. At this point Hitler was so full of himself so he decided that in the summer of 1941 his army will attack Russia, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦thus affecting what he had previously been concerned to avoid: war on two frontsâ⬠(Fulbrook, 1991). By engaging Britain and Russia at once German forces were over-extended and ill-equipped (Fubrook, 1991). When the combined American and British forces came later Germany could no longer sustain its attack and slowly began to disintegrate. Conclusion The provisions of the Treaty of Versailles were put in place to control Germany so that it will never duplicate what it has achieved in World War I. But this strategy backfired when Adolph Hitler used the sentiments of the people against the said treaty. He promised them that he will revise the Treaty of Versailles if only the German people will support him in war. When Hitler secured the support of the people, he did not waste time and proceeded to use Blitzkrieg, a German term for lightning quick attacks on enemy territories. Through this method Hitler was able to expand German territory in less than two years, a considerable feat. Europe was tired of war. The recently concluded World War I was fresh in the memory of most people. This gave Hitler the confidence that nations would not resist and allow him to take what he wanted. But he overestimated his capabilities and the capability of Nazi Germany. When it engaged England, Russia, and America at the same time, German soldiers were spread thin and lacking military equipment. The protracted war was not part of Hitlerââ¬â¢s plans. When America came in to break the deadlock between Allied and Axis forces Germany began to lose steam and in 1945 it finally raised the white flag. How to cite World War II: What Made Allied Victory Possible, Essays
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Watergate Affair Essay Research Paper The Watergate free essay sample
Watergate Affair Essay, Research Paper The Watergate Affair This analysis of the intelligence media coverage will concentrate on the Watergate matter which originally began on June 17, 1972 with the housebreaking of the Democratic National Committee Headquarters at the esteemed Watergate office composite in Washington D.C.. I will chiefly concentrate on the negative impact that media coverage had to the populaces oculus. This media coverage, although justified and appropriate for the state of affairs, finally destroyed the credibleness of Nixon # 8217 ; s disposal and the ability to run an effectual authorities which forced the first surrender of an American president. The history of the events at manus is as follows. The Nixon Administration financed a White House Special Investigative Unit called the pipe fitters. This unit was ab initio established under John Erlichmann a top White House adjutant, to? stopper? leaks from the White House to the imperativeness and consisted of former FBI and CIA secret agents. We will write a custom essay sample on Watergate Affair Essay Research Paper The Watergate or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It comes to fact that these pipe fitters were involved in illegal housebreakings and wiretapping before the Watergate dirt. On June 17, 1972, the dark watcher at the Watergate composite discovered adhesive tape on the cellar doors of the composite. Five work forces were arrested that dark and began a series of enquiries and probes into the possible corruptness of White House Officials. ( Encyclopedia of the American Presidency, Volume 13, page 1603 ) Among those arrested on the dark of June 17, 1972 were James McCord Jr. , security coordinator for the Committee for the Re-election of the President ( CRP besides known as CREEP ) . ( New York Times, June 21, 1972, page 1, column 3 ) Immediately after the apprehensions, the intelligence media had already began initial accusals and offering possible motivations to the populace through statements like: ? There was go oning guess here and in the Cuban community in Miami that unnamed work forces, in or out of an anti-Castro organisation, had carried out a figure of politically sensitive operations to win the Governments understanding for 30,000 to 40,000 Cuban refugees populating in Spain. ? ( 4 Hunted in Inquiry on Democratic Raid, New York Times, June 21, 1972, page 44, column 1 ) On June 20, it came to the attending of President Richard Nixon that there were connexions made between the burglars and CRP and assorted White House forces. The president, on June 23, recommended that the CIA should forestall a FBI enquiry into the Watergate incident based on national security involvements. To no help, the FBI continued its probe and finally sifted through the labyrinth of paper trails and cover up. Evidence began to come up, indicating to the disposal itself. Recognizing the internal nature of this state of affairs, narratives began to look like this: ? No 1 was doing any accusals yet, but in the thick of a funny non-cooperation from the White House and the Committee for the Re-election of the President, the intuition grew that person non far from the centre of Republican power in Washington had engineered the Watergate Caper. ? ( Watergate, Contd. , TIME Magazine, August 14, 1972, page 21 ) As clip went on, more and more grounds had begun to come up. On September 15, 1972, the Justice Department obtained the indictments of seven work forces said to be implicated: James W. McCord, Bernard L. Barker, Eugenio R. Martinez, Frank A. Sturgis, and Virgilio R. Gonzalez, the five work forces originally arrested at the Watergate composite. Besides involved, and indicted were G. Gordon Liddy, head of the security unit called the? pipe fitters? and former White House adviser, E. Howard Hunt. These work forces were all charged with cabaling to interrupt in and works listening devices into the phone lines at the Democratic National Headquarters. One adult male, although implicated, was non charged. His name was Alfred Baldwin, an FBI agent who was a escort for John Mitchell, the run director, and his married woman. Mr. Baldwin had admitted to being assigned by James McCord to supervise and transcribe the transmittals from the illegal bugs. These written texts were so given to McCord who so turned them into memos that were distributed among gt ; the CRP. ( Investigations: Seven Down On Watergate, TIME Magazine, September 25, 1972, page 21 ) The financess used for this operation were authorized by one adult male, Jeb Stuart Magruder, who became one of Nixon # 8217 ; s commission # 8217 ; s deputy managers. Before fall ining CRP, Magruder was an helper to the President # 8217 ; s head of staff, H.R. Haldeman, so subsequently became adjunct to Herb Klein, Director of Communications. It has been said that Magruder was sent to Klein to descry on him for Haldeman. Magruder, was non charged or indicted because he thought the money was being used to acquire information about groups and dissenters who may seek to interrupt the Republican National Convention. ( Denials and Still More Questions, TIME Magazine, October 30, 1972, pages 18-19 ) The intelligence media continued to portray the event as a confederacy from the highest pinnacle of power within the United States. Although President Nixon was neer brought up on charges or indicted, the people decidedly had a general misgiving of the Nixon Administration. The negative image portrayed by the assorted intelligence media finally brought about inquiries of the legitimacy and moralss of the current presidential disposal. The televised commission hearings led by Ervin on unrecorded telecasting cast a visible radiation of criminalism onto the disposal. White House Plutos and helpers were questioned and regarded as common felons. Typical? playing up? by the media beginnings portrayed Nixon as besieged, his popularity sagging, his Administration near shambles, his reputation- and his hereafter, perilously on the line. ( And the Mess Goes On, Newsweek, September 25, 1972, page 16 ) Despite the negative media coverage, in all equity, there was some coverage of the President in defence. One article wrote: ? A few Nixon guardians have vehemently challenged the imperativeness # 8217 ; s function in Watergate. Last hebdomad, Franklin B. Smith, editorial-page editor of the Vermont Free Press predicted there would be a terrible recoil against the seamy imperativeness Mccarthyism and rational punksterism of those who mindlessly sought to rupture down a great President, a great office, and a great state # 8230 ; .zealous communicators on the trail of Watergate ignore the rule that artlessness must be presumed until guilt is proven. ? ( Defending Nixon, TIME Magazine, May 28, 1973, page 61 ) Much later in the probe, after declining to give up subpoenaed tapes and transcripts, claiming executive order, Richard Nixon himself, was ordered to give up the tapes. The President, although, demanded the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General to fire the particular prosecuting officer bespeaking the tapes. Both work forces disagreed to make so and accordingly resigned. This state of affairs put the Administration into an awkward visible radiation and the President agreed to give up the tapes. On reaching of the tapes, they were found to be losing exerpts and information. On July 27, 1974, a commission recommended the impeachment of the president. To avoid about certain strong belief in the impeachment test, President Nixon resigned on August 9, 1974. Gerald Ford, who was appointed Vice President after Spiro Agnew resigned, gave the former president an unconditioned forgiveness for all federal offenses he may hold committed. ( Encyclopedia of the American Presidency, Volume 13, page 1605 ) In decision, the Nixon Administration was finally overturned and destroyed due straight to the big sum of media coverage given to this event. Compared to the Teapot Dome, in which Warren Harding # 8217 ; s Secretary of the Interior was convicted with graft and sentenced to nine months in prison, the Watergate dirt was covered more due to the addition in engineering and the sum of imperativeness people involved. Although neer charged or tried for any offenses, Richard Nixon still remains one of the most ill-famed Presidents of our clip non because of the good he did wish backdown from Vet Am and passing of the Equal Rights Amendment, but for the negative intension still adherent to his profile as a leader. That intension is one of dishonesty and hocus-pocus. Equally long as the memory of Richard Nixon lives, so excessively, will his bequest of secretiveness. 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Friday, March 20, 2020
Achebe vs. Conrad essays
Achebe vs. Conrad essays In a critical essay of Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness, Chinua Achebe accuses Conrad of being a terrible racist, and points out places in the novel where Conrad is very biased and prejudiced. Based on Achebes points, and my reading of the book, I have to agree with him. Heart of Darkness is about Marlow, and his journey up the Congo river, to meet a famed man named Kurtz. Marlow receives a job as a boat captain with a Belgian company which specialises in trade in Africa. After arriving at the Central Station in Africa, he finds that his ship has been sunk, and waits several months for the parts needed to fix it. During this time his interest in Kurtz grows, and as he is rumoured to be ill, the delays in fixing the ship are made even more costly. Eventually Marlow does get the parts needed to repair the boat, and he and a crew of Pilgrims and Cannibals set out on the long and laborious journey up the Congo. During their journey, Marlows ship is attacked by a tribe of natives, but only one person is killed. They finally arrive to Kurtzs camp expecting to find him dead, but instead they are greeted by a crazy Russian trader, who assures them that everything is great and that Kurtz is fine. He claims that Kurtz has made him smarter, and that he can not be judged the same way a regular person would be. He sais that Kurtz has made himself a god to the natives, and has gone on murderous raids in search of Ivory. The large number of severed heads around Kurtzs cabin prove to Marlow of Kurtzs methods. Then a bunch of natives carry Kurtz out of his cabin on a stretcher, and a group of natives surround the camp. Kurtz speaks to them and they leave. Kurtz is carried on to the ship because of his illness. The Russian tells Marlow after swearing him to secrecy that Kurtz is planning an attack on the ship so as to convince the Company that he is dead. The Russian then flees in a canoe, fearing Kur...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Complex Hunters and Gatherers
Complex Hunters and Gatherers The term complex hunter-gatherers (CHG) is a fairly new term that attempts to correct some ill-conceived notions of how people in the past organized their lives. Anthropologists traditionally defined hunter-gatherers as human populations that lived (and live) in small groups and that are highly mobile, following and subsisting on the seasonal cycle of plants and animals. Key Takeaways: Complex Hunter-Gatherers (CHG) Like general hunter-gathers, complex hunter-gatherers do not practice agriculture or pastoralism.They can achieve the same levels of social complexity including technology, settlement practices, and social hierarchy as agricultural groups.As a result, some archaeologists believe agriculture should be seen as less a significant characteristic of complexity than others. In the 1970s, however, anthropologists and archaeologists realized that many groups who subsisted on hunting and gathering around the world did not fit the rigid stereotype into which they were put. For these societies, recognized in many parts of the world, anthropologists use the term ââ¬Å"Complex Hunter-Gatherers.â⬠In North America, the most well-known example is the prehistoric Northwest Coast groups on the North American continent. Why Complex? Complex hunter-gatherers, also known as affluent foragers, have a subsistence, economic and social organization far more ââ¬Å"complexâ⬠and interdependent than generalized hunter-gatherers. The two types are similar: they base their economies without relying on domesticated plants and animals. Here are some of the differences: Mobility: Complex hunter-gatherers live in the same place for most of the year, or even for longer periods, in contrast to generalized hunter-gatherers who stay in one place for shorter periods and move around a lot.Economy: Complex hunter-gatherers subsistence involves a large amount of food storage, whereas simple hunter-gatherers usually consume their food as soon as they harvest it. For example, among Northwest Coast populations, storage involved both meat and fish desiccation as well as creating social bonds that allowed them to have access to resources from other environments.Households: Complex hunter-gatherers donââ¬â¢t live in small and mobile camps, but in long-term, organized households and villages. These are also clearly visible archaeologically. On the Northwest Coast, households were shared by 30 to 100 people.Resources: Complex hunter-gatherers do not harvest only what is available around them, they focus on gathering specific and very productive food products and combining them with other, secondary resources. For example, in the Northwest Coast subsistence was based on salmon, but also other fish and mollusks and in smaller amounts on the forest products. Furthermore, salmon processing through desiccation involved the work of many people at the same time. Technology: Both generalized and complex hunter-gatherers tend to have sophisticated tools. Complex hunter-gatherers donââ¬â¢t need to have light and portable objects, therefore they can invest more energy in larger and specialized tools to fish, hunt, harvest. Northwest Coast populations, for example, constructed large boats and canoes, nets, spears and harpoons, carving tools and desiccation devices.Population: In North America, complex hunter-gatherers had larger populations than small size agricultural villages. Northwest Coast had among the highest population rate of North America. Villages size spanned between 100 and more than 2000 people.Social hierarchy: complex hunter-gatherers had social hierarchiesà and even inherited leadership roles. These positions included prestige, social status, and sometimes power. Northwest Coast populations had two social classes: slaves and free people. Free people were divided into chiefs and elite, a lower noble group, and commoners, who were free people with no titles and therefore with no access to leadership positions. Slaves were mostly war captives. Gender was also an important social category. Noble women had often high-rank status. Finally, social status was expressed through material and immaterial elements, such as luxury goods, jewels, rich textiles, but also feasts and ceremonies. Distinguishing Complexity The term complexity is a culturally weighted one: There are about a dozen characteristics that anthropologists and archaeologists use to measure or approximate the level of sophistication achieved by a given society in the past or the present. The more research people have undertaken, and the more enlightened they become, the fuzzier the categories grow, and the whole idea of measuring complexity has become challenging. One argument made by American archaeologist Jeanne Arnold and colleagues has been that one of those long-defined characteristics- the domestication of plants and animals- should no longer be the defining complexity, that complex hunter-gatherers can develop many more important indicators of complexity without agriculture. Instead, Arnold and her colleagues propose seven platforms of social dynamics to identify complexity: Agency and authoritySocial differentiationParticipation in communal eventsOrganization of productionLabor obligationsArticulation of ecology and subsistenceTerritoriality and ownership Selected Sources Ames, Kenneth M. The Northwest Coast: Complex Hunter-Gatherers, Ecology, and Social Evolution. Annual Review of Anthropology 23.1 (1994): 209ââ¬â29. Print.Ames Kenneth M. and Herbert D.G. Maschner. Peoples of the Northwest Coast. Their Archaeology and Prehistory. London: Thames and Hudson, 1999.Arnold, Jeanne E. Credit Where Credit Is Due: The History of the Chumash Oceangoing Plank Canoe. American Antiquity 72.2 (2007): 196-209. Print.Arnold, Jeanne E., et al. Entrenched Disbelief: Complex Hunter-Gatherers and the Case for Inclusive Cultural Evolutionary Thinking. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 23.2 (2016): 448ââ¬â99. Print.Buonasera, Tammy Y. More Than Acorns and Small Seeds: A Diachronic Analysis of Mortuary Associated Ground Stone from the South San Francisco Bay Area. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32.2 (2013): 190ââ¬â211. Print.Killion, Thomas W. Nonagricultural Cultivation and Social Complexity. Current Anthropology 54.5 (2013): 596ââ¬â606. Print.Maher, Lisa A., Tobias Richter, and Jay T. Stock. The Pre-Natufian Epipaleolithic: Long-Term Behavioral Trends in the Levant. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 21.2 (2012): 69ââ¬â81. Print. Sassaman, Kenneth E. Complex Hunter-Gatherers in Evolution and History: A North American Perspective. Journal of Archaeological Research 12.3 (2004): 227ââ¬â80. Print.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
INTERNSHIP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
INTERNSHIP - Essay Example I did get in touch with (name of the person) concerning the issue of internship in (company name). Who briefed me on the need to have a Human Resource Generalist so as to enhance customer services and relations between patients and the staff. During the internship, I would have to perform the following tasks in order to gain the required knowledge. First, I would strive to improve the client staff relation with each other. I would also ensure that we provide quality services to the customers every time. I would also channel for the advocacy of patients with an aim of improving medical providence in the hospitals. My supervisor during the internship period would be (name of the person). He or she would ensure that I carry out my actions as per the guidelines through the evaluation he will submit to my educational institution. The internship is quite beneficial to me as it will help me gain the knowledge and experience of a healthcare administrator in the future. I will utilize the skills acquired from my internship once I complete my studies at the university. It will be upon me to ensure that the relations between the customer and the hospital personnel has improved. The right form of communication will be used whenever passing on information from one section to the other. Would also ensure that the services offered by the company have risen to a considerable level. Together with Masterââ¬â¢s degree, I also have other educational qualifications that give me an upper hand in the above-described job opportunity. I graduated from the Gardner-Webb University College Boiling Springs, NC with a Bachelor degree of Science in Health Care Management in December 2012. Personality is vital in the medical field to enhance the success. I am confident of my communication skills both in written and verbal form thus making it easier for me to communicate efficiently with the patients. I also have the
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Recruitment Memorandum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Recruitment Memorandum - Essay Example A great majority of the fire fighters are male and white, mainly with an Italian or Irish descent. The recruitment process did not favor the minorities who had poor quality education; they were usually given essay-based tests, which they performed poorly. Another flaw that was evident in the process was insufficient advertising for the available positions; it was usually done through a word of mouth through the preexisting staff. Various aspects of the recruitment process presented lack of credibility in the recruitment process. Firstly, racial discrimination is quite evident; it is ethical and legal to give all people a fair chance in a recruitment process. However, even if the minority group is incapable of competing effectively with the dominant race, special provisions should be set for them. The current situation in the firefighting department demonstrates racism of high order. This may mean that the unrepresented races may feel insecure and may have no confidence with the services offered by the department. Secondly, the gender discrimination is a major issue that requires attention. The view that almost all the employees are male creates an impression that women are incapable of firefighting, which is not true. A special consideration should be made to incorporate women especially in areas that do not involve much use of muscle power. Thirdly, the administration of exams as the only selection criteria does not meet the threshold of identify who can serve the firefighting department best, other strategies are required. Finally, the advertisement of the vacancies is not well done. When it is only done through the word of mouth, it means a limited group of people will get the opportunity to get the information. It is obvious that the most targeted will be the relatives and friends to the existing staff members. Ã
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Feminist Theories on Rape
Feminist Theories on Rape Feminist theory provides more than just a discourse on the interactions of the male and female, within the public and private sphere. In fact feminist theory has considered the core problems in the legal and political systems, resulting in a discourse on the inherent inequalities of these systems that favor men over women. Therefore this discussion will consider two key areas of feminist theory which are; equality of rights; and the equality in the law. In order to understand the contributions that feminism has made to political and legal theory the inequalities and injustices that feminists are aiming to eliminate must be considered. The main area of feminist theory that this discussion will consider is liberalist and Western feminism; however it is important to note that there are non-liberalist and Eastern theories of feminism but to explore these feminisms is beyond the scope of this essay. This essay will discuss the theory provided by theorists such as MacKinnon, Scales and Sta nley. It will consider radical feminism and the concept of rape; and the next section will discuss the use of womens bodies either through rape law or visual norms as a way to control women. It will then consider the case study of feminist theory and the blurred distinction between the public and the private in general and then consider whether the approach taken by radical feminists goes too far and reduces the accountability of feminist theory. The following section will consider an alternative approach within feminist theory to ensure that equality and accountability is brought into the theory and then the approach to legal, social and political problems such as the states approach to rape as a means of control is taken seriously. Finally this discussion will conclude in answering the title question ââ¬â does radical feminism theory offer an explanation and solution to womens inherent inequality in the political and legal systems, in areas such as rape? Feminist Theory: MacKinnon approaches feminism from a standpoint that the laws that evoke equality between men and women are not enough, because they rely on the sameness principle between men and women and tries to compensate women by saying that men and women should be treated the same. However this is not enough because of the physical and biological differences which causes a problem, because the social construction of these differences that have caused an inherent inequality between men and women in the current social, cultural, political and legal system. Mackinnon also indicates the current theoretical approaches to equality and rights are not sufficient enough because they fail to recognize that the legal and judicial system is entrenched in a male domination. Hence trying to make women the same as men, rather than recognizing that men and women are different but should have basic rights that protect this difference. MacKinnon also supports leveling the playing field by giving women advantage s over men in order to counter the male dominated system. In short MacKinnon argues that the creating of laws to make women equal to men will not compete with the inherent inequalities in Western legal systems, in fact these laws will entrench the inequalities further and support the power men have in society. Scales also endorses the problems with the inherent social inequalities between men and women. She therefore sets forth the inequality approach in order to combat the structural injustices that face women in the legal system. The central area that Scales explores is the notion of stereotypes which illustrate the structural inequalities between men and women. One such set of stereotypes are the images of the breadwinner and the housewife ââ¬â the breadwinner, traditionally, is the husband who can successfully have a career and a family because he is not the primary carer. On the other hand, the wife stays at home and commits to childrearing and domestic duties, she can be in employment but not have a successful career because of the responsibilities she has at home. Hence this results in a scenario akin to the case of Phillips v Martin Marietta Corp ââ¬Å"where the company hired males with preschool-aged children but would not hire women in that categoryâ⬠. The other key factor of the inequality approach in addition to recognizing that there are inherent structural differences between men women, it also recognizes the extent of injustice that the system affords to women. Scales takes MacKinnons basic theory and expands it into an approach that can be adopted into legal theory and thinking in order to eliminate the structural inequalities between men and women in the legal system. Therefore making equality more achievable for women as well as leveling the playing field for women by balancing out the inherent power men have over women in the legal system. If one also considers the work of Stanley who argues that the academics of feminist theory s hould be made accountable and not fall foul of academic standards or just use the mainstream methods that are inherently biased. This form of accountable methodology will create a serious and challenging feminist theory of politics and law, which will not be scrutinized as zealous ranting or settling for the biased methods of the male hierarchy: The intellectual location from which debates and arguments are assembled and presented constitutes a point of view ââ¬â and the point of view critic is inevitably different from that of the proponentâ⬠¦ Recognizing this is important, because a point of view is both unavoidable and also indicates the existence of perspective: a particular way of seeing which highlights and brings into focus some thing as salient. Therefore as Stanley points out it is not only important to create a distinct feminist theory that is based upon a methodology that is accountable and not a part of the male hierarchy, as this is the only way to ensure that a feminist theory that will ensure substantive equality. Radical Feminisms Approach to the Body and Men: The general approach of radical feminism to rape is that it is a form of control and the approach of the justice system to rape and the victimization of the victim when testifying. The key factor that radical feminists argue is that this is indicative of an unequal society, where rape and other factors of male violence are examples of re-enforcing the patriarchal system. Rich argues that rape and violence against women are central to the control of women and their bodies, especially when the advancement of women in the public sphere is de-stabilizing this power base: Patriarchy isâ⬠¦ a familial-social, ideological, political system in which men ââ¬â by force, direct pressure or through ritual, law and language, customs, etiquette, education, and division of labour, determine what part women shall or shall not play, and in which the female is everywhere subsumed under the male. It does not necessarily imply that no woman has power, or all women in a given culture may not have certain powers. When considering other feminist theories there is an indicator that there is inherent discrimination in the legal, social and political system. Helena Kennedy in her expose of the English legal systems approach to women in rape trials seems to re-enforce this notion, where a respectable women, i.e. subservient wife or vulnerable career woman can be raped but the aggressive, assertive, sexually active woman will be exposed and not be seen as a victim: A no may be taken forgranted when a respectable woman is attacked by a total stranger in a dimly lit s treet, but since a vast majority of rapes are committed by men known to the victim, consent in rape trails has always been an issue that makes men nervousâ⬠¦ Getting women to submit is an acceptable part of the sexual game planâ⬠¦ That women who dressed sexily were contributory negligent or that women who did not want sex just had to keep their legs shut. Therefore the inherent discrimination pervades even violent crime against women, which has been also the case in respect to domestic violence where the justice system would shrug it off as private disputes. The problem with radical feminism is not its findings but the lack to use acceptable academic research from an objective method; it does in fact portray the reality of inequality and control. The action of rape is not about sex but control and power and the more that women threaten the patriarchal system the approach to rape and domestic violence seems to be dismissed; unless the victim falls inline with the ideal picture of a good girl. Campaigning in recent years have brought these problems to the forefront but there are problems with the attitudes of police to rape victims that may not have the purest sexual background then there is little action taken. This is closely tied to the approach of modern media and its onslaught of enslaving women to body image and the perfect Hollyw ood body, as well as the slow progress in respect to sexual harassment in the workplace, i.e. all are tied to patriarchal control of women. There is a problem with academics and policy makers approach to radical feminist theory is that it is considered to ignore the traditional approaches to academic research and theory; therefore as Stanley suggests there needs to be an accountable approach to feminist theory, which will be discussed later in this discussion. The following sections will investigate how the theory of radical feminism that pressure and control of patriarchy over women can be seen as inextricably tied to womens sexuality. Feminist Theory and Womens Bodies: Carla Rice states that [w]henever we as women look at ourselves through the lens of culture, weâ⬠¦ end up engaged in a war with our bodies, one that we cannot win. Society has inhibited our bodies and we have absorbed into our skin and bones (1999, 317) Rice introduces an interesting connection between womens bodies and culture; however the modern restraints on women and the body are not new, i.e. history has restrained the body in differing ways. The modern restraint is the attaining the body of the supermodel and not looking older than thirty years old; whereas in history it was being the chaste and innocent daughter and then the dutiful wife and nurturing mother. After the 1960s and the civil rights movements women became a dominating force of change in the workplace and educational arenas, no longer did women have to get married after high school and start a family; rather the avenues of higher education and careers beckoned women from this form of dominance in culture. In order to remedy these advertisements no longer held the 1950s perfect mother image; rather it was replaced by underfed models, such as Twiggy. This escalated to the modern era of fighting natural processes of aging and the hatred of differing body shapes. This has led to women starving themselves, damaging their body by binging and purging, paying thousands of dollars to have their skin stretched, fat pumped and bones broken and replaced. The modern era has heralded freedom in the sense of the mind; however culture has enslaved women using their body again, i.e. the reproductive functions were the prison of the past, superficial beauty is the prison of today. This imprisoning of the mind by using the body is a very old weapon used by the dominating male hierarchical system in fear that women can no longer be so easily controlled. If one considers cultures, such as the Middle East, being too fat or having a big nose is not a thing of consequence; because women are still imprisoned by their reproductive functions. The male dominated system of the West has been forced to alter cultural images and notions to further dominate women; therefore culture has had to alter by forcing women into a new box, i.e. an underfed, tall, big busted woman. The war waged on womens bodies is first a conflict over shape and size, over the terrain of our bodies, played in a deeply entrenched cultural taboos and a powerful dictate against women taking up space and claiming room of our own. This statement of Rices sums up the conflict between the advancement of women and the restraints constructed by the male dominated culture, which has to adapt to the advancement of women in the late 20th and 21st Century. Rice is correct in her evaluation of the male dominated culture adapting to imprison women from declaring their own rights and space. Case Study ââ¬â Women in the Public Private Spheres: ââ¬Å"Occupational segregation is being reproduced by cyclical practices which are the outcome of past conventions regarding proper relations between the sexesâ⬠¦ Occupational segregation is itself a source of stability and conventional gender identities will be reinforced by work in sex-typed occupations. The orthodox division of labour between men and women in the public and private spheres will also be reaffirmed by jobs that offer the opportunity to combine domestic ââ¬â with paid work ââ¬â that is, flexible conditions of working, part-time hours and so onâ⬠. The situation of creating the level playing field has not been achieved by legal policies of equal opportunities, because the higher paid jobs usually require a large amount of commitment and inflexible working hours. This makes it very hard for mothers to enter these professions. In the case of mothers the barrier to higher employment in the professions of law, accountancy, the stock market and business is the hours are not always nine to five; because a crisis or a client may need advice at anytime. Therefore women in these professions are usually kept to the lower levels, because the fact that they may have a family will impede the commitment these employers expect from a partner or CEO. This is not necessarily the case with the actual possible employees, because the traditional role of mother and housewife is no longer the key driver for the identity of women. It is this perception that is prevalent within liberalist democracies where the structure is entrenched with male dominat ed thinking. Therefore it is this mode of thinking that needs to be changed, which means that the adoption of policies that relay equal-opportunities is not enough. This has been emphasized through the theory of thinkers, such as MacKinnon and Kymlicka. Both these thinkers advise that rights need to be afforded to disadvantaged groups that ensure that the balance the playing field against the dominant group(s) in society. Therefore this introduces policies such as quotas, whereby a certain percentage of women and other disadvantage groups must be represented at all levels of employment. For example within political parties throughout Europe and in certain sectors of Canada a quota system is used, in order to get a representative amount of women into politics. However this has been rejected by the UK and certain sectors of Canadian polity as reverse discrimination. Rejecting the quota systems and labelling them as reverse discrimination illustrates how the current political and legal structures are only playing lip-service to the principles of equal opportunity and anti-discrimination. Institutions of business and government in the who argue against so-called reverse discrimination have failed to recognize that women are more than their traditional role of housewife and mother, because their entrenchment in traditional liberal theory views the labour market as supply and demand; where traditionally the largest supply of cheap labour is found to be women, whereby this labour is traditionally unskilled or related to the caring and domestic sectors. However in the recent years the number of women university graduates has rapidly increased, therefore provides a wealth of skilled female labour. The number of women in the skilled sectors has increased, but the higher one gets in the hierarchy there are fewer women, because of the concept of the glass ceiling for women. This barrier is not recognized in the institutions by equal opportunity policy or within the law be cause it is so entrenched into the social structure of the present legal and political system that is invisible, hence being called the glass ceiling. Feminism has provided a discourse that has gone farther than just making women equal to men, because in making the law gender-blind it fails to recognize the inherent power of men over women in the legal system, as well as the inherent structural inequalities. Not all feminists take the approach of MacKinnon and Scales, however their theories do recognize that there is a structural inequality of power between men and women. There is definitely a feminist political and legal theory which has recognized the structural inequalities between men and women and has tried to eliminate these inequalities through various different approaches. However feminism has provided a very important analysis of the legal system and theory by recognizing that power is inherent in the ruling group; where the only way to balance this power is to identify and eliminate the inequalities that afford the ruling group power. This is also applicable to class, caste and race inequalities and if an approach can be made in legal theory to ensure that there is a redistribution of historical burdens and benefits to disadvantaged classes then there would be an effective law of equality. Therefore feminism has provided a new dimension to liberalist legal theory is; a re-evalu ation of its structure; and a consideration of its inherent power and inequalities. This argument ties closely into the arguments presented by Stanley. Stanley argues that there is a need for accountable feminist methodology to ensure that this feminist theory is challenging the academic norms; as well as freestanding as an academic school of knowledge. Alternative Approach Necessary for Equality and Reduce Violence against Women: Nozicks Entitlement Theory Inequality is a reality for women at all levels of life, in the home, in the labor market and as a citizen of the state. The laws of liberal democratic states have set up value neutral laws that are based in an androgynous view of the sexes; however this is not the reality of situation, because the state, family and labor market is based on systemic discrimination of women, i.e. men have created the system and have inherently based the position of women, at best as second class citizens and at worst as the property of men. This has made the theory of re-distribution key to creating equality economically, socially and politically for women. Therefore this discussion will consider the theories of re-distribution and then apply them to womens social and political situations, which then should cause changes in womens social image and therefore create a situation of equality in the family. It will do this by considering Nozicks entitlement theory and adapt it in respect to feminism to cre ate an inherently indiscriminate state and a more objective approach by the justice system to rape. The core thinking of Nozick is the entitlement theory whereby there are three principles which are; the transfer principle; the acquisition principle; and the rectification principle. It must be stressed that Nozicks liberalism is entrenched in the theory of natural and core rights as set out originally be Locke. Therefore all men are created equally as derived from the state of nature but in order to create a civil society men contracted for a just system of governance with essential human rights. This is the traditional theory of the relationship between the market and the state; however this value-neutral approach fails to create equality for women. The problem of inherent inequality is because such a theory based on the free market would view re-distributive actions by the government as unjust. The main problem for this thinking is the original premise whereby Nozick assumes all p eople began as equals, because the present Western society has been created primarily by white men, therefore for there to be equality. Inequalities within the home and views on womens sexuality have been the focus for theorists that emphasize the need for a level playing field. However, on the other hand, the focus on labour market inequalities arguably may be deteriorating within the UK, due to the introduction of legislation from the early seventies to the nineties, this legislation; whereby two of the key concepts were equal pay for equal jobs and the freedom from discrimination regardless of race, religion, gender or creed. For women there was also the introduction of maternity rights, making it impossible to dismiss women or not hire women solely on the grounds of pregnancy (actual or future). This has been strengthened in the last few years with carers leave for children under five and the introduction of flexible working for parents. Therefore the current legal atmosphere promotes equality in the workplace, especially between the genders. The law in general follows from the Human Rights Act 1998; however thes e equal rights are based on treating men and women the same and do not combat the inequities that are inherent in the system, which are illustrated by the fact that there are problems with sexual harassment and the prosecution of such acts. In fact in some jurisdictions such as Canada there was no legal action of sexual harassment until 1989 with the case of Janzen v Platy Enterprises. If there are problems in defining and prosecuting sexual harassment because of the traditional views of women this illustrates the problem with the Therefore it is necessary for this systemic discrimination to be tackled by re-distributive justice, which feminists such as Mackinnon purport. Therefore inequality is the key term that needs to be discussed when contemplating the validity of re-distributing resources. Re-distribution can be done by either handing out state benefits of money, housing or material items or by providing more opportunities to those that are in disadvantaged positions. Nozick and Rawls are examples of two extremes in liberalist thought; Nozick represents the true laissez-faire liberals whereby redistribution is against equal opportunities and the only way to present a just government is to follow free-market principles. Rawls, on the other hand, argues that re-distribution can be fair as long as it is just, but would not suggest quota systems or the socialist democratic state of the Scandinavian nations. This section will end by comparing the two theorists. There are other theorists such as Kymlicka who argue that re-distribution is the only manner of ensuring that inherent inequalities are eradicated in the political system. Such lines of argume nts come from feminist thinkers, such as MacKinnon. Therefore this approach would tackle rape and the current approach of the court as an example of this inherent inequality, ensuring that rape is treated seriously and a matter under an objective court rather than a court that is biased against women, using their sexual backgrounds against them when all there should be is a question of consent. Accountability: Stanleys accountable feminist knowledge and how this approach might address methodical problems of gender, these are the problems that radical feminism hold and many ward of unwarranted ranting, rather than a theoretical argument. Gender is not an a priori characteristic of social life or of people or of the content of documents; it is not in these as a by definition component of them, but instead a construction, one capable of being construed differently in different times and places, by different commentators, using different (or in deed the same) evidences. Stanleys approach to feminist knowledge is very important because it sheds the inherent methodologies of society, which are entrenched with biases of the male dominated society. In addition Stanley argues that gender is not an a priori characteristic rather it is the construction of society and dominated by male dominated methodologies, i.e. ones sex refers to the simple a priori characteristic whether one is male or female; whereas gender is the construction of how this sex should function in society, such as the Victorian and 1950s image of the male (husband) is the breadwinner and the female (wife) is the nurturer and housewife. This is a very important distinction because for too long have all academic disciplines mistaken gender and ones sex for one in the same thing. What Stanley is proposing will take a closer look at how gender is constructed and whether a feminist methodology will ensure that equality and substantive justice will be meted out fairly. One such example is the use of quantitative and hard scientific methods; whereby the only manner to ensure equality is from a value neutral approach, i.e. men and women are considered androgynous and without sex; therefore creating a system of equality. On the other hand, a more modern approach denies this value neutral approach as an example of inherently sexist methodology because it does not combat the differences between the sexes; as well as t he value neutral approach being steeped in gender stereotypes that does not truly combat the male dominated academic biases of methodology. Stanley uses the work of Rich to create and exposition of this approach and focuses on the differences in perspective, i.e. no scientific method can truly be value neutral as they are being conducted by humans and humans are inherently biased: The intellectual location from which debates and arguments are assembled and presented constitutes a point of view ââ¬â and the point of view critic is inevitably different from that of the proponentâ⬠¦ Recognizing this is important, because a point of view is both unavoidable and also indicates the existence of perspective: a particular way of seeing which highlights and brings into focus some thing as salient. Stanley, therefore, proposes that in order to combat these biased perspectives, where the male dominated perspective is inherent in the societal structure, there needs to an accountable feminist methodology that will provide a feminist perspective that will provide a realistic and challenging opponent to the inherent male dominated perspective. Accountability is the key because it allows for the methodology to be considered as an equal to the current academic methodologies, without accountability it will be dismissed as mere zealous ranting as opposed to a new academic method. As Stanley argues: A real debate about feminist methodology has not yet happenedâ⬠¦ in particular because of the use of binariesâ⬠¦ What is needed now is an actual, real, debate, involving an exchange of ideas and the thoughtful interrogation of alternative approaches. Conclusion: At the moment because the state and economic situation is only playing lip service to equality this re-enforces the inequality in the family, work and justice system where the good girl gets justice the wife who is not only a career women, but also a cleaner, caretaker, nanny and a personal servant to her husband. Therefore the argument of radical feminism is not too far from the truth; however its methods and accountability raises questions and it gets regarded as biased and un-objective. In order for this attitude in society to change feminist theory needs to be incorporated in the state and the economy further, with re-distributive justice; the reason why feminist theorists have only been partially successful is that either the theory has no accountable basis or it is falling prey to mainstream academic methods. In order to do this feminist theory must incorporate an accountable feminist methodology, in order for feminist theory to be held as a valid theory of the state and econom ics with valid aims to create equality through realistic systemic change. By bringing true systemic change it will cause a change in social views and policy, which will bring true equality to the family home, womens sexuality and in the workplace and most importantly in the justice system for victims of rape .
Friday, January 17, 2020
Business Strategies Success of McDonald
Social responsibility is the concept that business is part of the larger society in which it exists and must therefore act in a way that not only advances the firm, but also serves the society. More than ever firms are being challenged to integrate social responsibilities in to their operations. Many firms now believe that social responsibility to be a lot more than granting money to community groups or volunteering their time to organizations ââ¬â although these are both important ways that firms support the community. Today, business leaders recognize that a commitment to corporate social responsibility can provide distinct advantage in attracting and retaining employees, dealing with suppliers and regulators, strengthening customer relationships and providing positive returns for investors. Let us take a look at some of the social responsibility issues and analyze how businesses are showing their social responsibility. Around the world there are lots of environmental concerns that challenge companies to be better global citizens. Leading companies know that taking a strong role in protecting the environment improves the efficiency of operations and saves money, making a positive impact on business partners, customers and investors. Let us see how socially responsible companies are responding to the environmental concerns. Delphi Automotive Systems is dedicated to protecting human health, natural resources and the global environment. For Delphi, a commitment to environmental management is a critical business strategy. Delphi has certified 15 of its global manufacturing sites under ISO 14001, a global standard that recognizes facilities that have systems in place to proactively manage and reduce their environmental impact. The company is working toward earning this certification for all 168 of its manufacturing facilities around the world over the next three years. John Jaffurs, director, Delphi environmental services, states, ââ¬Å"We want to formally integrate our environmental management into the goals of the business. Delphi is using ISO 14001 and other tools as a means of creating a total environmental management system. This will allow us to integrate operational environmental issues directly into future planning. â⬠Delphi's involvement in reducing the automobile's environmental impact began more than 30 years ago with the introduction of the first catalytic converters. Delphi works to reduce emissions, increase fuel economy, decrease vehicle mass and enhance the recyclability of its products. Delphi also believes that the reduction or elimination of materials can go far in helping the environment. Delphi's E-STEER Electric Power Steering reduces the number of seals and totally eliminates the power steering fluid, hoses and pump from the power steering system. In 1995, 75 percent of all cars sold (approximately 27 million) were equipped with traditional power steering and carried an estimated 40 million liters of hydraulic fluid. This new technology can result in a significant reduction in raw materials, which means less material to recycle or dispose after the life of the product. E-STEER also reduces energy demand by up to 80 percent, resulting in improved fuel economy and reduced vehicle emissions. E-STEER received the 1999 PACE (Premier Automotive Suppliers' Contribution of Excellence) award from Automotive News and Ernst & Young LLP, which recognizes automobile suppliers who have excelled in adapting and reinventing their companies and their products to meet the growing demands of their customers ââ¬â the world's major automotive manufacturers. E-STEER is just one example of the many innovative product technologies Delphi can offer to provide environmental solutions to its customers. According to the American Lung Association, motor vehicle emissions account for approximately 77 ercent of the carbon monoxide (CO), more than 35. 6 percent of the volatile organic compounds (including hydrocarbons) and around 45 percent of the nitrogen oxides (NOx) in our nation's air. With this in mind, car manufacturers like GM, Ford and Honda are now producing and marketing cleaner-burning cars powered by electricity, alternate fuels or a combination of the two. Environmentalists like to refer to these as ââ¬Å"green carsâ⬠because they represent an environmentally responsible way to travel in style. Politicians, on the other hand, have begun to see the potential for addressing larger issues. Earlier this year, Representative Robert T. Matsui (D-CA) introduced legislation that would give up to $5,000 per year in consumer tax credits to people with green cars. With this in mind, GM came up with its environment friendly ââ¬Å"EV1â⬠, Ford with its ââ¬Å"Rangerâ⬠and Honda with its ââ¬Å"Insightâ⬠. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), the nation's largest electricity producer, has announced that it will begin test-marketing alternative energy sources as early as next year. As phase one of the TVA's Green Power Program, the test will utilize wind, solar and landfill gas energy sources to generate roughly three to six megawatts of power. Eight distributors, representing all seven of the Tennessee Valley Public Power Association's districts, have agreed to participate in the test. If the test is successful, TVA customers could see full-scale implementation by the end of 2003. The Green Power Program is the first of its kind in the Southeast. In related news, the TVA received word June 18 that the Department of Energy (DOE) has approved a proposal from the Virginia Alliance for Solar Electricity (VASE) to provide matching funding for the Green Power Program. The TVA's marketing plan for Green Power represents the fruits of an alternate energy initiative that began in January 1998. At that time, the TVA solicited and received 22 proposals for adding renewable electricity generators to its energy production facilities. Initial research also revealed that 84 percent of TVA customers favored a green power option. In the fall of 1998, the TVA held seven public forums that further confirmed the need for a Green Power. Participants included several members of the environmental community, utility executives, energy experts, healthcare organizations and representatives from citizens' groups. After the forums, the TVA formed the ââ¬Å"multi-interest teamâ⬠that was eventually responsible for the 2000 test-marketing plan. As the association of U. S. shareholder-owned electric utilities, Edison Electric Institute (EEI) works with key stakeholder groups, including regulators, legislators and member companies, to achieve environmental excellence. EEI's Climate Challenge program is a voluntary effort created in partnership with the Department of Energy in response to concerns about global climate change, says spokesman Jim Owen. To date, more than 600 electric utilities participate in the program, which means they have pledged to sequester or avoid 170 million metric tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the year 2000. This is more than four times the original goal established by the government in 1993. While some Climate Challenge efforts are undertaken by individual utilities, there are five industry-wide initiatives in place as well. These include Envirotech Investment Funds, which provide venture capital for emerging renewable technologies; the Utility Forest Carbon Management program, which funds tree planting and forest management projects; the National Earth Comfort Program, which promotes geothermal heat pumps; EV America, which introduces electric vehicles into the marketplace; and International Utility Efficiency Partner-ships, which support joint projects with foreign utilities and governments to provide efficiency of new or existing power systems. According to the Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration, electric utilities represent almost 85 percent of the voluntary actions to reduce, avoid or sequester greenhouse gases. In addition, electric utilities have made significant progress in restoring aquatic habitats, protecting endangered species and generating renewable energy, says Owen Bridging the gap between school and work is another critical link that companies are focusing on. The national organization Jobs for the Future (JFF) was founded in 1983 to help prepare tomorrow's workforce and smooth the transition from school to work. Fordâ⬠s Contribution in developing tomorrow's workforce Ford Foundation, is an initiative that seeks to create a measurable increase in jobs, wealth, services and other community infrastructure through increased corporate involvement in community economic development. JFF works with the initiative's many partners, whose collective experience and expertise cover community and economic development, national and international business and education to achieve these goals. One of JFF's major corporate partners is the Ford Motor Company. The two organizations have developed a relationship in which they exchange expertise and experience that allow both to enhance their individual programs. ââ¬Å"In today's rapidly changing economy, schools alone cannot effectively prepare young people for a successful future,â⬠explains Hilary Pennington, president of Jobs for the Future. ââ¬Å"Academic standards are only part of the equation. Young people need the chance to apply what they've learned to new situations, and what happens in the real world is hard to simulate in school. We try to build partnerships between companies and schools to give kids opportunities to expand their learning experience. The Ford program is a splendid example of this type of partnership. â⬠Ford has created several innovative education initiatives that ââ¬Å"are helping us create a pipeline ââ¬â for employees and suppliers, as well as a consumer base for our products,â⬠says Renee Lerche, director, workforce development, Ford Motor Company. For example, the Ford Academy of Manufacturing Sciences (FAMS) is an academic- and work-based program in public high schools. The program's goals are to provide students the opportunity to learn science, math, technology and communications skills in real-life settings and encourage them to pursue secondary education. Ford trains high school teachers, who teach the manufacturing-oriented courses to 11th or 12th grade students (participants take two courses through Ford each year). An internship during the summer between 11th and 12th grade provides work experience as well. The program serves as a way not only to attract future employees to Ford, says Lerche, but also as a way to draw customers for its cars and trucks. We don't have concrete evidence that if you do these things, people buy your products. However, these activities do influence perception of our commitment to the communities in which we do business,â⬠says Lerche. Issues such as environmental protection, education and community support are critical to companies that want to gain the trust and loyalty of their constituents. The companies profiled here understand that corporate social responsibility offers clear business benefits for all stakeholders.
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