Saturday, November 30, 2019
Voices of the French Revolution in Smithââ¢s The Emigrants Essay Example
Voices of the French Revolution in Smithâ⠢s The Emigrants Essay Voices of the French Revolution in Smiths The Emigrants In Module 3, the class was presented with reading regarding the French Revolution and how it affected writing during that era. In the discussion board, I analyzed Charlotte Smiths The Emigrants. Our textbook, The Norton Anthology of English Literature, states that Smith was ostracized in a conservative piece written by Richard Polwhele for writing about the plight of refugees during the French Revolution (p. 1448). Generally, she was revered as one of the greatest poets of the Romantic Period, hich was a huge feat considering that there werent many well-known female poets at the time. By examining The Emigrants further, I hope to better understand the female voice during the French Revolution and the Romantic Period. The Emigrants is an 800 line poem lamenting of the French Revolution and those displaced by the bloodshed. Smiths attempt to express the hopelessness of the people ranging from religious representatives to lower-class citizens was brilliantly executed with lines like, To those, who shrink from horrors such as War / Spreads oer the affrighted orld? With swimming eye, / Back on the past they throw their mournful looks, / And see the Temple, which they fondly hopd / Reason would raise to Liberty, destroyd / By ruffian hands (Book 2, line 45-50). The speaker remarks about looking back on the beginning of the war and hoping for positive change. Instead of progress and better conditions, the people were displaced as their communities were torn down by the ruffians. Hope throughout the classes quickly soured from hope to fear and despair s they had no contr ol over their destinies as the French Revolution continued and war ravaged the country. We will write a custom essay sample on Voices of the French Revolution in Smithâ⠢s The Emigrants specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Voices of the French Revolution in Smithâ⠢s The Emigrants specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Voices of the French Revolution in Smithâ⠢s The Emigrants specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Smith was an integral figure in the writing scene during the French Revolution because she was willing to speak out against the war and compose pieces such as Emigrants to give a voice to those who would otherwise remain unheard during that era. Also, as stated before, it was not common for women to publish their work back in that time, so that made her musings that much more unique and significant. The Norton Anthology lauded Smith for The Emigrants by saying, It both evokes the suffering endured by political refugees from France and links their plight to that of the poet herself (p. 1448). I think it is true in their inquiry to say that her poem arouses the feelings of suffering in the reader. Smith used varied and expressive vocabulary to elicit vivid imagery of the scenes the displaced were confronted with. I believe that it was important for her to make a connection between herself and the refugees to make the poem more personal, herefore making the story that unfolded more poig nant for the audience. Personal connections always make writing more relatable for people, which makes them more likely to read it. In closing, The Emigrants connects with the French Revolution and the Romantic Period because it was a time when women began finding their voices in the world of literature, which in turn gave many other people voices. Many writers during the time wrote about the disparaged, but Charlotte Smith and other women were important because they had more odds stacked up against them than the men. ad things of substance to say and that some of them were women at that! It was a new concept and it went to show that the times were changing and it was the perfect time for people from average walks of life to express themselves in writing. Works Cited Greenblatt, Stephen. Charlotte Smith. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 9th ed. New York: W. W. Norton , 2013. 1448. Print. Williams, Seth. British Women Romantic Poets ProjectCharlotte Turner Smith. British Women Romantic Poets project. N. p. , 1999. web. 23 sept. 2013.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
People In Canada Living With Poverty Social Work Essay Essay Example
People In Canada Living With Poverty Social Work Essay Essay Example People In Canada Living With Poverty Social Work Essay Essay People In Canada Living With Poverty Social Work Essay Essay Another cause of poorness in some instances may be divorce or individual parentage. This would be a precipitating cause because together a twosome on two incomes may be able to back up a kid, nevertheless, divided they may non hold the income to supply as they did antecedently. Harmonizing to a survey done in Ottawa, kids in individual parent places are more likely to go destitute, particularly when there was more than one kid life in the place ( Fleury, 2008 ) . In many state of affairss, one parent may hold stayed at place to care for kids and the family, while the other worked, intending that parent would be dependent on the other parent. If a divorce takes topographic point, the dependent parent no longer has the other parent to back up them, and they may non hold employment, doing it really easy for them to fall into poorness. Yet another cause of poorness is dependence, which can be both a precipitating and a perpetuating cause. Addictions can frequently take to loss of employment and abuse of fundss which can convey on and perpetuate the issue of poorness. Lawrence M. Mead says although poorness is non an dependence, it is frequently caused by and causes dependence. Addiction has a definite drip consequence on poorness. If one has an dependence, for illustration, to a drug, it becomes the most of import thing in their life, all their money goes to buying the drug, all their clip is devoted to hiting and making drugs, which means, they may non travel to school or work, or their behaviour causes them to be dismissed, intending they have no agency for an income. The nut s income would travel towards drugs, and non other demands, or they would non hold an income at all, go forthing them in poorness. Last, a cause of poorness is frequently debt and hapless debt direction. It is possible to populate with some debt and non hold to populate in poorness, nevertheless if debt is non managed decently and becomes more than one is capable of covering with, it can take to poverty. Four million Americans would fall below the federal poorness line if the involvement they pay on their recognition cards and other consumer debts were subtracted from their incomes says a San Francisco Chronicle article. These people are called the debt hapless ( Abate, 2009 ) . These people, although they may non look like the stereotyped hapless, they technically do non hold the agencies to obtain the necessities of life and, at some point are faced with bankruptcy and the loss of their place. Microsystem Consequences A microsystem effect of poorness is low self-esteem. It is obvious kids populating in poorness have problem purchasing the latest tendencies, their parents may non drive the nicest auto or drive a auto at all, possibly they do non hold a washer and drier and so sometimes they have to travel without clean apparels for a period. Their parents can non afford to set them in music lessons or subscribe them up for athleticss squads. Some kids, who are resilient would non allow this halt them from being confident, nevertheless, non all kids understand that they are non on a flat playing field, so to talk and believe that it is a failing in themselves and non unfairness within the system and experience that their personal worth is straight related to their fiscal worth. A kid with the tools to win is more likely to win and if they win, they become more confident, doing them more likely to take more hazards, with a likeliness of wining once more and increasing their assurance more. In some in stances, kids in poorness deficiency those tools, or have to work harder for them, intending they do non win as frequently, diminishing their self-pride ( Eric J. Marsh, 2010 ) . Bullying is another effect of poorness that frequently goes along with low self-pride. Children in poorness are frequently bullied. Harmonizing to a survey done in the UK, low-income kids are frequently the mark of strong-arming in wealthier countries, because of their socio-economic position ( Branigan, 2007 ) . One in 13 kids in an international survey of 35 states and more than 162 000 kids reported strong-arming due to their socio-economic position. The unfairness among striplings from low socio-economic backgrounds puts them at a greater hazard for strong-arming. Teenss that are from schools and populating in states where there is a bigger spread between socio-economic groups are at higher hazard of being bullied. Poverty besides has a immense impact on kids s physical development. One in 10 Canadians is affected by nutrient insecurity which has a correlativity to hapless wellness ( Kirkpatrick, 2008 ) . Without proper diet, kids will miss the foods they need to develop optimally, and may even go over or under weight. Studies show kids with a balanced diet are ill less frequently than kids with hapless nutrition ( Kirkpatrick, 2008 ) . Families may non be able to afford medical disbursals or interventions that would forestall their kid from unwellness or decrease the effects of an unwellness or hurt, doing damage. Besides, parents in low-income places may happen it more hard to afford necessary fixs in the family that would guarantee their kid s safety. Pregnant female parents populating in poorness besides pose a hazard, if they are non able to afford equal prenatal attention. Poverty has an impact on mental wellness, every bit good. Children from low socio-economic backgrounds were more than twice as likely to endure from anxiousness and depression as their opposite numbers from better socio-economic positions ( Mark Lemstra, 2008 ) . Children from low-income households, non merely have the normal emphasis a kid would hold, many destitute kids are cognizant of their households adversities and have developed anxiousness about measures and debts and nutrient security, and feelings of hopelessness about their state of affairss and deficiency positive feelings of dignity. Besides impacting physical and mental wellness, societal development is besides a effect of poorness. Poverty has an impact on the development of societal accomplishments in kids. Children life in poorness frequently have poorer linguistic communication accomplishments and less developed get bying accomplishments, which in bend impacts the quality of their relationships with equals ( Lisa Fiorentino, 2004 ) . Children life in poorness besides have less chance for societal interaction due to the fact they are non able to afford to be portion of extra-curricular groups that help develop societal accomplishments and promote peer relationships. Without the money to afford the same societal chances kids in low-income places are non able to develop societal accomplishments as easy, so poorness is a definite impact on societal development. Cognitive damage has besides been cited as a effect of poorness. Harmonizing to research, kids who are malnourished will endure cognitive lacks and kids populating in poorness are more likely to be malnourished than those who are in-between category or affluent. Besides, kids who are hapless are less equipt to research their environment significance they are non having the same mental stimulation or their environment is less stimulating ( Brown, 1996 ) . Parents are besides less able to afford to set their kids in activities or purchase things like books and computing machines that would assist excite cognitive development. Therefore, there are assorted grounds why poorness has an influence on cognitive development including malnutrition, and deficiency of chance for mental stimulation. Another unfortunate effect of poorness is abuse and disregard. Harmonizing to research from the NSPCC: adult females from hapless childhood places were twice every bit likely to hold suffered maltreatment or disregard ( 77 per cent versus 38 per cent ) , and the association was even more dramatic with multiple signifiers of maltreatment, with a treble addition: 45 per cent of those from hapless childhood places had experienced more than one signifier of maltreatment compared with 15 per cent who had experienced no poorness. ( NSPCC, 2008 ) Poverty can set a batch of emphasis and strain on households doing parents more susceptible to going culprits and kids more vulnerable and likely to be victimized. Lack of resources besides makes it more hard to supply kids with their basic demands, which does non ever represent an allegation of disregard, nevertheless, if the parent is utilizing child public assistance revenue enhancement and child support for personal usage and non to supply for the kid it is neglect. Poverty can besides impact one s personal values and beliefs. Children s values and beliefs are affected by their socio-economic position. From personal experience, being really hapless turning up, I had a certain paradigm. I believed that affluent people were the enemy and that they did non value me because I was hapless. I besides did non value instruction really much because I did non believe I would hold the chance to travel to college or university, because my parents could non afford to assist me pay for it. I learned non to value money and do with less. Family was of import to me, since I spent so much clip at place, due to the fact I could non afford to be in any lessons or on athleticss squads. It is obvious a kid from a hapless place compared to a household from a affluent place would hold a really different mentality on life. Mesosystem Causes Lack of resources is a precipitating cause of poorness. There is a deficiency of low-cost lodging and deficiency of services available to battle poorness and to help those in poorness, particularly for new immigrants coming to Canada. There are non plenty services available to assist new Canadians adjust, to assist them upgrade instruction, to happen occupations and low-cost places and to larn the linguistic communication so they can win at their occupation and at school. In some more rural countries there is no ESL plan offered. Besides, the complicated signifiers and waitlists mean people in demand of poorness alleviation may non acquire aid for months ( Canadian Council on Social Development, 2010 ) . Loss of employment is a precipitating cause of poorness, every bit good. Loss of a occupation sometimes non merely means loss of fiscal support from an employer, it besides means loss of insurance. Meaning medical and dental attention, house fix, auto fix are non covered, so households do without or are put further in debt by holding to pay for medical or fix measures. If a household has no income it is hard to supply necessities for one s household, and if the low-income cut-off is more than 50 % of income is spent on necessities, than anyone who is unemployed or whose partner is unemployed will probably suit that standards ( Statistics Canada, 2010 ) . Mesosystem effects A microsystem effect of poorness was child maltreatment and disregard, so it is apparent so, that on a mesosystem degree there is a effect which affects Children s Aid Societies. CAS woks with households to assist acquire them on path and acquire support that they may non otherwise be able to afford for their kid. Harmonizing to OACAS, many of the kids utilizing their services are populating in poorness ( Laurie Monseebaaten, 2008 ) . Poverty is a cover job which is the cause and effect of many of the things CAS trades with on a regular footing, frequently times to cover with these other jobs they provide households with services that deal with poorness. Another large effect of poorness is that it affects the kid s school experience. In some instances kids go to school in a poorer vicinity and so their equals are hapless, but rather frequently hapless kids go to schools where there is socio-economic inequality. This, in some instances affects them more as it makes the kids more loath to accept aid financially to pay for field trips or athleticss squads. They lose out on larning chances because of their poorness. They besides have a more hard clip wining in school because they may non hold entree to computing machines or books necessary to assist them larn and complete school work, and because they may hold occupations outside of school to assist them battle the poorness, go forthing them less clip for their school work ( Sands, 2007 ) . Poverty is a large barrier to wellness attention, even in Canada. Although initial health care is free. The cost of medicine, oculus attention and dental attention is still excessively expensive for some people to afford. For illustration, there is a intervention for AIDS nevertheless, it is excessively expensive for persons to purchase, but the pharmaceutical companies will non administer it for free or at a lesser cost because they do non wish to lose net income ( UNFPA, 2009 ) . Because dental attention, oculus attention and medicine are for the most portion, non every twenty-four hours needs, most people populating in poorness go without it. Another effect of poorness is that churches are involved in poorness alleviation around the universe. Religious groups are the figure one beginning of charitable financess donated in Canada and advocators for the hapless harmonizing to the World Council of Churches ( World Council of Churches, 2011 ) . Churchs are really involved locally and internationally with the battle against poorness, they work on all degrees of bar, primary, secondary and third. They support the development of micro concerns for adult females in Indian as a primary bar, they work with Canadian Food Grains Bank to administer nutrient as a secondary bar and they work in soup kitchens and assist people locally who come into acquire support as a third bar. ( McLennan, 2011 ) . A effect of poorness is the inability to afford to set kids into extracurricular activities and segregation in extracurricular activities. This has effects in itself, but in general, the high cost of music and dance lessons and athleticss squads means that kids are non able to take part, or are segregated to specific activities that are more low-cost. Recently, there has been offered a revenue enhancement interruption for parents of kids on athleticss squads, which has alleviated some of the emphasis put on parents to let their kids to take part, nevertheless, some parents still struggle to set their kids in activities, some of which are hard to acquire to if parents do non hold dependable transit. Having kids in extracurricular activities is besides a primary preventive step for forestalling kids from acquiring involved in offense, so parents in poorness who can non afford to set their kids in athleticss or pay for some sort of art lessons may besides hold to endure another effect of poorness, which is holding their kids involved in offense. Crime is another effect of poorness for a figure of grounds. Families may steal nutrient to supplement what small they have, kids and young person may steal things they want that they can non afford, parents and kids may acquire involved with covering drugs or fraud to supplement their income. A survey done in the U.S. besides shows that the jurisprudence is more indulgent to flush wrongdoers giving them small or no gaol clip compared to poorer wrongdoers ( Reiman, 1995 ) . Another effect of poorness is that households are segregated to specific vicinities and attend specific schools depending on their income. Rarely when low-income lodging is built is it merely one house in a comparatively flush vicinity, most low income lodging is built in blocks ; townhouses or flats and there is frequently more than one in a vicinity. Therefore, that peculiar vicinity is stigmatized as being the hapless vicinity . Peers are all from similar socio-economic backgrounds, schools in the vicinity are frequently overpoweringly populated by low-income kids ( Fleury, 2008 ) . Exosystem Causes A perpetuating cause of poorness is deficiency of authorities support for poorness alleviation. For people already populating in poorness if they can non acquire sufficient aid to assist them out of poorness, it means they remain at that place longer. Any societal aid one may have is hardly adequate to populate on so these people are still merely doing terminals meet. Without the chance to salvage some money people will go on populating paycheque to paycheque and if there is an exigency it may set more fiscal strain on them, because they did non hold plenty to populate on to get down with and they are put into debt. Another perpetuating cause of poorness among immigrants in Canada is the transit loans. Refugee households come to Canada, trusting for a better life, the Canadian authorities is sort adequate to loan them money for travel disbursals, which are really dearly-won. However, they are expected to pay this loan back within a really brief window of clip, maintaining in head that what small money they came with has been put towards happening a topographic point to populate and they may non even have a occupation yet ( Canadian Council for Refugees, 2010 ) . Unfortunately, this is of small concern to the authorities, so these people must fight both with being able to back up themselves in a new state and with paying back debt, perpetuating their poorness. Next, the cost of life in Canada has a great impact on poorness and is a precipitating effect. This is a cause more frequently attributed to developed states. The mean cost of rent in Toronto is between $ 775 and $ 895 for a 1 sleeping room flat, the cost of food markets for a month is about $ 100 a month and the cost of telephone services is about $ 23 a month ( Fast Facts, 2006 ) . With merely those disbursals, the cost of life for a month can be more than $ 1000, nevertheless, a individual employed full-time ( 40 hrs/wk ) at lower limit pay ( $ 10.25 ) makes less than twice that, intending significantly more than half of their income goes towards necessities of life. Finally, a perpetuating cause for poorness among kids is the disagreement in the Low-Income Cut-off with respects to what necessities are. It observes the demand for vesture, shelter and nutrient ; nevertheless, it does non take into history a kid s demand for societal and emotional development and scholastic success, which may come from appropriate child care, engagement in extracurricular activities and the purchase of school supplies. Without these things it is much more hard to win in school and life, intending less stable employment, which in bend consequences in go oning the rhythm of poorness. Exosystem Consequences One of the effects of poorness is how people view those on societal aid. There is the common stigma that people on societal aid are mistreating the system and that they are merely lazy and do non wish to acquire a occupation, nevertheless that is non ever the instance. In some instances, the receiver of societal helper is person who was a dependent and did non work or could non work and for a assortment of grounds had to go forth that dependent state of affairs and needed fiscal support, but was non able to happen a occupation instantly ( Pulkingham, 2011 ) . The portraiture of poorness in media is a effect has a effect on how poorness is viewed. The media has created this stereotype of the hapless stripling. They are ever from the incorrect side of the paths, engage in immoral behavior, acquire into a batch of battles and neer excel in school or they are portrayed as soiled street kids. For illustration, in the film Slums of Beverly Hills, the characters are a hapless household who must invariably travel to avoid paying rent ; the immature female is non interested in school and is really promiscuous ( Jenkins, 1998 ) . Obviously, this inaccurate portraiture of poorness does non assist with a kid s self-esteem or to cut down intimidation or promote impoverished young person that they are capable of accomplishing great things. Another myth that has become the effect of how people view poorness is the myth that people who use soup kitchens and nutrient Bankss are stateless or idle, when in world many of the people accessing these installations are working hapless, who have occupations, and possibly a place. They may be able to pay their rent, but their income is non sufficient plenty to afford equal nutrient. Close to 7 million workers earn less than $ 20 000 per annum and 40 % of destitute kids live in households where at least one parent is employed full-time twelvemonth unit of ammunition. Parents have kids to care for and sometimes that means they need to supplement their repasts with nutrient from a nutrient bank or repasts from a soup kitchen to do certain their kids are fed ( Poor No More, 2009 ) . Next, a effect of how people view poorness is the myth that hapless kids are less intelligent and non every bit successful as affluent kids. Although there is grounds that poorer kids are more likely to fight in school and that they will go on the rhythm of poorness and that poorness is a hazard factor for lower IQ, this is non ever the instance. Truly, this depends on resiliency. The more resilient and determined a kid is, the more likely they will get the better of their fortunes and excel in school and in life ( Lisa Fiorentino, 2004 ) . Although they may non hold the same resources as a affluent kid, every bit long as they have a good support system and the finding to win no affair what obstacles are placed in forepart of them, they will interrupt free from that stereotype. Yet another myth that exists is that hapless people are ever looking for press releases. This is really really inaccurate ; frequently households remain in poorness because they are excessively proud to inquire for aid which could be a perpetuating cause of poorness as good. Besides, though they are hapless they are far from incapacitated. Many people would be happy to offer their accomplishments or work in return for support and would experience more fulfilled making so ( Poor No More, 2009 ) . Some recognition and intervention as an equal is frequently what the hapless are looking for, non merely trim alteration. The concluding myth that exists in our society is that poorness merely happens in Africa, this. The overpowering sum of support and promotion the poorness afflicted continent receives is animating, nevertheless, serving the local hapless does non look about every bit of import to people. When we look at the private assistance traveling abroad to alleviate poorness and the sum of sponsorship and acceptance of kids in developing states, it is significantly more that what is received locally. Fifteen per cent of Canadian kids are populating in poorness ; that is about 100 thousand kids ( Fleury, 2008 ) . 100 1000 kids who need aid, but are overlooked for kids in developing states. Poverty does go on in Canada. Macrosystem Causes A precipitating cause of poorness that has been extremely publicized in recent old ages is the economic system. Canada, along with about the full remainder of the universe has felt the impact of an economic depression which has inflated monetary values, caused occupation loss and created a immense inflow of people into societal aid. As antecedently discussed, cost of life, occupation loss and deficiency of resources are causes of poorness ; an economic depression is the cause of all three, doing poorness an issue on a supranational graduated table. Third universe authoritiess are obligated to vie with each other and with more dominant, developed states. To pull investors, destitute states attempt to supply cheaper resources, goods and labor. This has merely increased poorness ( Shah, 2011 ) . So, the economic system has been an international cause of poorness. Additionally, war is a precipitating cause of poorness. War causes huge devastation and costs 1000000s of dollars. There is devastation to systems such as societal services and wellness attention and resources are diluted and redirected from poorness alleviation to keeping the war, every bit good as physical harm to edifices and properties. This consequently consequences in poorness
Friday, November 22, 2019
Anti Jerk Control Of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Engineering Essay
Anti Jerk Control Of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Engineering Essay The report details the review done in the area of anti-jerk control of vehicles. It explains the phenomenon of driveline oscillations excited due to torsion of driveline at high engine torques causing unwanted longitudinal oscillations in vehicle body. Report starts with a broad introduction to the topic and lays down the aims and objectives of the research project. The aims and objectives of the project are to design an active feedback control for an electric motor of a hybrid electric vehicle to damp these undesirable oscillations. A summary review of previous research work done in this area is presented which defines the starting point of the project. Different techniques used for anti-jerk control in conventional vehicle are discussed. Basic approach to model based control design is presented in the report. An introduction to hybrid electric vehicle driveline and description of its components different from conventional vehicle is shown. The report also lays down the procedure o f the work to be followed for the research project with a project plan. INTRODUCTION The increasing pressure of protecting the natural environment and to decrease the dependence on non-renewable sources of energy has encouraged vehicle manufacturers to develop more clean and efficient power systems. As a result Hybrid vehicles are hot topic for research among vehicle manufacturers. Efforts are being made to make the vehicles more fuel efficient with high performance and minimum CO2 emissions. Diesel hybrids are considered as next big thing among ecological designs since diesel engines are 20 % ââ¬â 30% more fuel efficient than their petrol counterparts. Nowadays noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) issues have become more important for a customer such that there are very stringent requirements for noise or vibration in a vehicle. Driveability of a vehicle is majorly impacted by NVH problems and is strongly felt as vehicleââ¬â¢s performance during various manoeuvres such as ac celeration, braking, gear change etc. Thus vehicle manufacturers and OEMââ¬â¢s have realized the importance of NVH issues and target to identify the root cause of vibration and incorporate the correcting measures at early stages of manufacturing with a main goal to refine the ride and driveability of a vehicle. These daysââ¬â¢ efforts are being made to increase the performance of vehicles and to make them more fuel efficient by using different techniques and one of the techniques is electrification of various systems in a vehicle. Electronic power assist steering system, electric active roll control, electronic differential, brake by wire are some of the examples of electrification of vehicle systems. This kind of methodology becomes more evident in case of hybrid electric vehicles where electric power components including power electronics are integral part of the powertrain. It has been observed that using these electrification techniques not only helps in increasing the per formance of the vehicle but also makes them more fuel efficient. Thus the electrification in a diesel hybrid powertrain to improve the driveability of vehicle forms the main platform for this research project. Problem Statement One of the major NVH issues in automobiles is torsional vibrations of driveline. The torsion of drivetrain at high engine torques causes oscillations in driveline. These oscillations are generally excited by various sources such as rapid or sudden load/torque change, gear change and unevenness of road surface. These oscillations cause longitudinal acceleration in vehicle structure and passenger compartment of the vehicle, which reduces the comfort and driveability of the vehicle and are experienced as unwanted jerking by the driver and passengers. These type of driveline oscillations are termed as Jerking, which is the main focus of this research.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Define international business and explain how it affects each of us in Essay
Define international business and explain how it affects each of us in our daily activities - Essay Example The great Silk Road was another prominent trade route, which facilitated trade between different countries across Asia and Europe. The present global trade has evolved from ancient practices, where merchants engaged in trade to get profit, while the governments engaged in the trade for the same reasons in addition to expansion of their political influences. Due to the movement of people and services across different countries, international trade affects cultural, social, economic, and political aspects of the countries and the people engaged in the trade (Vadime, 2000). This paper examines international business in context with historical development and its influence on our daily lives. The objective of the earliest trade just like the current international commerce was to satisfy diverse human needs and wants. Because of diverse distribution of resources in different geographical regions, scarcity and availability of goods and services initiated the early trade. People from one re gion exchanged their commodities at their disposal with goods and services from other regions. In this regard, goods and services were exchanged directly without use of currency in transactions called barter trade. One of the earliest challenges that plagued early trade was geographical distances between the source and market of the commodities and services. This resulted to the development of transportation networks, linking all the trading regions involved. Allen, et al (2000) noted that the earliest forms of transport during the early trade were human porters and the use of domesticated animals such as camels and donkeys. According to Francis (2007), domesticated animals enabled early traders to travel long distances and this form of transport made early Arabian traders very successful in the trade. Francis (2007) noted that as early as in the second millennium, Arabs organized trade caravans across the Arabian Peninsula and the Far East. This resulted to the formation of the ear ly trade routes where valuable goods such as silk, precious metals and spices were traded across the regions. Early caravans across long distances were not profitable for trading in cheaper commodities. However, people could travel across shorter distance to exchange cheaper but essential commodities such as food, animals, ornaments and textiles with one another (Francis, 2007). The earliest trade routes were on the land and could not take place across regions isolated by large water bodies (Allen, et al 2000). In addition to geographical limitations of the land routes, many caravans were attacked as they travelled across hostile regions resulting to heavy loss of lives and trade. To ensure the safety of trade routes, Curtis, et al (1999) noted that most traders formed partnerships with people along the routes and in other cases, established empires resorted to military intervention and expanding their territorial boundaries across the region of trade interests. However, the discove ry of water transport in the third millennium solved some of the challenges of land routes, such as insecurity and limitations of the quantity of cargo carried. According to Curtis, et al (1999), maritime trade developed after realization that monsoon winds could be manipulated to propel sea vessels across large geographical regions isolated by water bodies. According to Daniel (2007), the waterways enhanced international trade further by opening up
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Faces of Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Faces of Power - Essay Example the destructive power ââ¬â a structure involving threats and this is clearly depicted by how the defensive forces of any country act, Productive power ââ¬â structure that entails making and creating e.g. exchange and trade, and the integrative power that involves creating of new relationships that encourage togetherness (Dahl, 1961, 7). Significantly, any face or form of power has its advantages and disadvantages and it is up to the people in power to identify them and weigh on both sides to ensure that negativity does not have a greater impact more than the positive side. The social structures connection with power is seen when for instance; in an organisation the power is distributed among the different employees or in a state where power is divided from the head of state down to the governors or senators (Ball,1992, 5). In such situations, communication and the decision making processes are the core factors required since everything is done through a hierarchical structure . Many political scientists have come up or rather tried to elaborate the different faces of power on the verge of making people comprehend the power structure more and thus due to the different notions and theories sometimes there is a lot of confusion. However, the most common structures of power include; institution of property, nation-state, knowledge structure, financial structure, production structure (Productive power) and the security structure (Susan, 2004, 64). With these many structures, some of which are not related or similar in any way, it is quite hard for most people to lean upon two or three forms/faces of power alone. However, out of all the faces of power established, Lukesââ¬â¢ seem to have had a great impact and they still are today; reflectively, between January 1975 and June 2006, more than 1200 journal articles cited his article, an impressive figure by any standard and surprisingly after this Lukes was asked to do a second edition. It has been over thirty years since the publications and scholars agree that he wrote the articles on other bases and not to make money; concurrently, analysis of both editions provides readers with both recent literature and original insights on power. Basically, in the second edition (2005), the 1974 (1st Edition) essay was not altered but instead a substantive introduction and other two new chapters were added (Power, Freedom and Reason and Three-Dimensional Power); moreover, a little bit more attention was given to some writers like James Scott and Michel Foucault, all of which are also in the social context of power. Power is typically a concept where a ââ¬Ëfirstââ¬â¢ person (entity A) exercises power over the ââ¬Ësecondââ¬â¢ person (entity B) when A affects B in a way that is divergent to what the second person wants or would like (Lukes, 2005, 19). In the final edition Lukes discusses three dimensions of power and terms the third one to be as a personal view based on the shortcomings of other peopleââ¬â¢s views but and a more apposite way on how to evaluate power. First Face of Power (One Dimensional Power) This face of power focuses on behavior when making decisions, particularly on the core issues and fundamentally only in transparently in situations where can make observations; these often take the structure of prejudiced interests like policy preferences that are mainly demonstrated through political power. Through the concept of power individuals are able to modify or change the behavior of others when it comes to the process of making decisions, which is why it is considered to be a behavioral aspect; however, the person in power in different situations prevails in the decision making process. Principally, this first face of power, which is one-dimensional, focuses on behavi
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Biometrics Identification Attendance Monitoring System Essay Example for Free
Biometrics Identification Attendance Monitoring System Essay Time is a special resource that you cannot store or save for later use. Everyone has the exact same amount of time each day. Time not well used cannot be retrieved. Most people feel like they have too much to do and not enough time. They blame lack of time for their poor finances, unachieved goals, stress, bad relationships and not exercising their body. Wise time management can help you find the time for what you desire to do or need to do. You need time to get what you want out of life. Waiting for more free time to appear is losing the game of life. Through time management you can ââ¬Å"createâ⬠the time you need, and not just wait for it to come. By planning your time wisely, you will have more time to do more things. You can learn to find the time for the things that are important to you. Even a small amount of time once a day, or even once a week, will take you closer to your goals, and you will be surprised at the progress you make. You become more productive using improved time management skills and tools, and can accomplish more with less effort and time. Time management can help you reduce wasted time and energy, help you become more creative and productive, and enable you to do the right thing at the right time. This will of course lead to more balance and fulfillment in your life. Working time is the period of time that an individual spends at paid occupational labor. Unpaid labors such as housework are not considered part of the working week. Many countries regulate the work week by law, such as stipulating minimum daily rest periods, annual holidays and a maximum number of working hours per week. Impact on system domain or impact on domain functionality, the risks between implementations and there. Ideally the monitoring is a tiny fraction of each applications footprint, requiring simplicity. The monitoring function must be highly tunable to allow for such issues as network performance, improvements to applications in the development life-cycle, appropriate levels of detail, etc. Impact on the real goal for the system must be considered In this paper, we proposed a system that automates the whole process or taking attendance and maintaining its records. Managing people is a difficult task for most of the organizations and maintaining the attendance record is an important factor in people management. Manually taking the attendance and maintaining it for a longtime odd to the difficulty of this task as well as wastes a lot of time. For this reason an efficient system is designed. This system takes electronically with fingerprint sensor and all the record are saved on a computer server. Biometric Identification Attendance Monitoring System serve as a time-log that is set up as a computerized database. This system maintains a daily record of a employeeââ¬â¢s arrival and departure time for works. It keeps records in order and is frequently updated. When seeking employment, an employee can request certain reports to be printed from the Biometric Identification Attendance Monitoring. Biometrics have been widely use of the purpose of recognition, it is the most secure it is impossible to forge or tamper fingerprint. Fingerprint sensor is place at the entrance of faculty office. In order to mark the attendance, employee has to place his/her finger on the fingerprints sensor. On identification employee attendanceââ¬â¢s, attendance record is updated in the database and he/she is notified through monitor. No need of all stationary materials and special person for keeping records. Fingerprint based time attendance-monitoring system provides a foolproof solution using fingerprint authentication. It is very effective in resolving proxy entry problems inherent in other traditional systems. The system records details such as arrival and departure of employees besides maintaining information regarding their personal and official profiles. Official employee information such as designation, department, shift, location, leaves status, compensation, etc. can be linked to any payroll software to automate the complete process. Biometric Identification Attendance Monitoring System completely eliminates ââ¬Å"proxyâ⬠inherent in other traditional systems. There is absolutely no recurring cost and smart finger can also be integrated into any existing payroll application to automate the complete process is extremely user friendly and enables you to generate any kind of attendance report required by querying based on name, department, shift, date, type of activity, etc. It can be customized as per the specific requirements of Customer; fingerprint can also be integrated into any existing payroll application to automate the complete process.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Instructional Design :: essays research papers
The ultimate goal of Instructional Design is to quickly and effectively teach people a new skill, or system of thinking. Elliot Masie, editor of TechLearn Trends, suggests à ¡Ã §all training is about behavioral stimulation that changes human beings on some level.à ¡Ã ¨ (Masie, 1998, p. 14) This is a tall order à ¡Ã §to change human beingsà ¡Ã ¨, and therefore, any professional instructor that accepts this challenge must ask plenty of fundamental questions first. These essential questions are part of a process known as Needs Assessment. This critical front-end work is going to 1. Provide information about audience capabilities and preparedness. 2. Establish that, indeed, there is a need for training. 3. Reveal information regarding the company culture. An instructor needs this information to choose tools for the program; the more you know your audience, both customer and learners, the more successful the program will be. There are several need assessment models to follow, but I will use à ¡Ã §The Zemke-Kramlinger Model of the Major Human and Organizational Factors that Affect People Performance in an Organizationà ¡Ã ¨. Their model asks hard questions in three different categories: Performer Skills ââ¬Å¾h What Abilities ââ¬Å¾h What Skill Level ââ¬Å¾h Job Knowledge ââ¬Å¾h Objective ââ¬Å¾h Needs Company Support ââ¬Å¾h Objective ââ¬Å¾h Expectations ââ¬Å¾h Reward ââ¬Å¾h Punishment ââ¬Å¾h Feedback ââ¬Å¾h Support Corporate Culture ââ¬Å¾h History ââ¬Å¾h Mission ââ¬Å¾h Goals ââ¬Å¾h Strategy ââ¬Å¾h Tactics ââ¬Å¾h Plans Without this information, the designer is only guessing. Once a designer is confident the needs assessment has provided a solid foundation to start building a program, different tools, or media, should be considered. The variety of tools ranges from simple (print) to high tech (satellite dish communication). The American Society for Training and Development has published a book that outlines an eight-step process for assisting in selection of the proper tools. The steps are as follows: 1. Understand all the training tools available with the benefits and drawbacks of their use. 2. List the media delivery that WILL WORK FOR YOUR AUDIENCE AT THEIR CAPABILITY LEVEL. 3. Evaluate your media list with the goals of training, and level of audience in mind. 4. Conduct a cost comparison. 5. Synthesize findings and establish à ¡Ã §core mediaà ¡Ã ¨. 6. Consider auxiliary media that would augment your à ¡Ã §core mediaà ¡Ã ¨. 7. Identify any implementation issues, organizational requirements, or technical limitations which could prevent successful use of your à ¡Ã §core mediaà ¡Ã ¨. 8. Prepare your conclusion in a formal report for management. With all the preparation out of the way, just what tools are we talking about? Here is a list of possibilities: Manuals Handouts Video Tape Overheads Data Bases CD Rom Interactive Video Conference Internet Computer Base Training Satellite Distance Learning With information on the objectives, learners, the company, budget, constraints etc.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Macbeth Assessment Essay
Macbeth written in 1606 has proven to be one of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s most successful and popular plays. It wasnââ¬â¢t just the plays that were popular William Shakespeare born 1564 is the most famous play writer in the world. He was born in Stratford upon Avon. He wrote 34 plays, Macbeth being just one of them. There are many reasons why Macbeth has proven to be so popular. It is the third shortest play written by Shakespeare, it is fast moving including death, murder, deception, and betrayal. The play follows the story of a man who was desperate for power and turns to murder to get his own way. It has conserved its title as an exceptional play as it appeals to audiences both today and in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s time, by including factors that appeal to everyone. In Shakespeareââ¬â¢s time people would be intrigued by the supernatural, as they were xenophobic, they took a dislike towards the witches. They didnââ¬â¢t understand them even today when we know a little more about the supernatural it is still a topic people would like to know more about. The play makes you want more. You want to find out if he was a good king or if he would really murder his best friend. It is an unpredictable play you donââ¬â¢t know what is going to happen. Theatre going was very popular in the 1600ââ¬â¢s because not only was it for the rich the poor could enjoy the entertainment as well. Many people enjoyed the magic of the theatre, thatââ¬â¢s what made it such a success. The globe built in 1599 was one of the first theatres in London, it could seat over 3,000 people but sadly tragedy struck in 1613 when the great fire of London burnt down the theatre along with many other famous landmarks. It was a great loss in everyoneââ¬â¢s eye, so a year later the globe was replaced. It cost à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½1,400 to rebuild. It didnââ¬â¢t take long before the theatre had paid for itââ¬â¢s self as it was so popular. The poor people would sit in the ââ¬Ëpitââ¬â¢ they would only have to pay 1p but if it rained they would get wet, as there was no shelter. The rich people could sit around the sides where they would be able to see everything as the seats were tiered along the sides they were sheltered from the cold. They would have had to pay around 10p for their seat. As a variety of people attended the play would have to cater for a range of people. Not a play for the rich or poor. If the king didnââ¬â¢t approve of they play he could stop the performances. Shakespeareââ¬â¢s plays were clever they contained blood guts and gore. The monarchy and the political situation at the time had much to do with why the play had proven to be so popular. King James the first was new to the throne, as Elizabeth had died. Elizabeth was a popular queen where as James the first had shown to be very disliked. They worried what king James would be like on the throne they were right to be worried King James was evil he burnt and tortured Catholics. The declining catholic population soon grew to hate him and in 1605 a plot was taken against him in hope he would die. Guy Folkes attempted to blow the house of parliament up in ââ¬ËThe gun powder plotââ¬â¢ fortunately for the king he was unsuccessful. He was later executed. A year later when Shakespeare was writing Macbeth he had to be very careful on what he included. If James the first did not like the play and took offence to it then he could have Shakespeare killed. Shakespeareââ¬â¢s presented the play in good light. He displayed Duncan the king as a good king whom people loved, James would have liked this as he thought it portrayed himself but really Shakespeare was showing James t o be Macbeth. The play showed a warning if a man killed the king he would suffer a fate as bad. The main theme of the play shows a man who is led to despair by his controlling wife. He starts as a loyal soldier serving his king to the very best. Due to his service he was made Thane of Cowdor, but that was not enough for him and his power mad wife. They thought of an evil plot to kill the beloved Duncan. They arranged to kill him in his bed and make it look as if his own guards have killed him. They succeeded in their plot for greatness. Macbeth is crowned king. Duncanââ¬â¢s sons who would have been next to the thrown, but they fled as they thought they were suspects for the murder. Macbeth now had the taste for murder. He killed his best friend Banquo. Later he tried to kill Macduff a fellow soldier but was unsuccessful as Mac duff got away. Macbeth was mad by this and instead of trying to kill Macduff he killed his wife and children. How could a man be so cruel as he may have suffered the pain of a child being taken from his life. Macduff was on his way to England to fetch an army thousands big. Lady Macbeth went mad with guilt and killed herself. Once Macbeth heard news of the triumph against him he started to worry. He got ready for a fight he placed on his amour ready. When Macduff arrived they fought their way into Macbethââ¬â¢s castle in Dunsinane. Macbeth fought till the very end until it became too much he suffered a soldierââ¬â¢s death. The supernatural had a large role in the play Macbeth. Macbeth included the supernatural, as the audience then were scared and shocked by it. They were scared of witches as they thought of them as bad. So when the play Macbeth was written Shakespeare included witches in the very start. This would have shocked the audience making them interested in the play from the very start. They would want to know what happened to them. Audiences now would be curious to see the supernatural and how the witches act. The witches cropped up several times in the play to keep the audience watching. The witches open the play ââ¬Ëwhen shall we three meet again, in thunder, lightning or in the rain? When the hurly burlyââ¬â¢s done, when the battles lost and won, that will be the set of the sun where the place upon the heathââ¬â¢ Macbeth is a very fast moving play, which included a lot of action. The play is short, it is so fast moving to keep the audiences attention. I think the action and length were quite important to an audience. If the play were long and lacked action the play would be unpopular and found boring. Plays had to appeal to everyone it would be important to keep them interested and as there would be peasants viewing they would have to cater for them. The plots would have to be quite straightforward so the peasants could understand. The main events in the play link with each other. The witches have an important role in the play on the heath in act 1 scene one and again in act 1 scene 3. They tell Macbeth and Banquo their future. The next important scene is Act 1 scene 5 when Duncan comes to stay with Macbeth to celebrate Macbeth becoming the Thane of Cowdor but sadly Duncan is brutally murdered in his own bed. Macbeth is forced to do the deed by his crazed wife. Then Macbeth is crowned king. The next important scene is when Macbeth gets Banquo killed and Banquoââ¬â¢s ghost comes to haunt him. Lady Macbeth tries to make excuses to cover his moments of madness. She tells the people not to leave, as this will offend him. ââ¬ËDray you keep seat. The fit is momentary upon a thought. He will again be well. If much you note him you shall offend him and extend his passion feeds and regard him not. The witches then appear again in act 4 scene 1. This time the witches didnââ¬â¢t find Macbeth, Macbeth went to find the witches. He wanted to know more. So the witches tell Macbeth in words, which have a double meaning. This makes Macbeth thinks he is going to rule as kin g for a long time. Macbeth next tries to kill Macduff but is too late Macduff is already on his way to England to fetch an army to kill Macbeth. Then Malcolm can return as the rightful king. In rage Macbeth kills Macduffââ¬â¢s wife and children. Meanwhile his own wife is going mad with guilt. She thinks she has a spot of Duncanââ¬â¢s blood on he hand, which she canââ¬â¢t wash off. This time lady Macbeth has turned out to be the one with feelings instead of being callas. She had always called Macbeth a coward for showing signs of feeling ââ¬ËAre you a man?ââ¬â¢ he often tries to prove himself. ââ¬ËWhat man dare, I dareââ¬â¢ Lady Macbeth becomes so deranged she kills herself. Then we meet the biggest scene, act 5 scene 3 at Dunsinane castle. Malcolmââ¬â¢s army fight there way into Macbethââ¬â¢s castle to return the rightful king to the thrown. Many play writers would have included guts and gore to surprise the audience. If all plays were written about love and everything was perfect plays would become boring. Showing guts and gore with lots of action would keep the audiences interested. The technology back then wasnââ¬â¢t that good not compared with today, but audiences back then would be impressed by Shakespeareââ¬â¢s use of trap doors and fake blood. The trap doors would be used for the witches and Banquoââ¬â¢s ghost to appear and disappear. This would reflect the power of the witches . They may have lowered Banquoââ¬â¢s ghost down on a rope to make it look as if it was floating. Many of these effects are still used today while doing performances of the play. The goriest bits in the play would be the murder scenes. Especially the scene with Duncan they would have used a lot of fake blood. Macbethââ¬â¢s character changes quite significantly during the play he starts off as a loyal soldier dedicated to his king. He changes after his first meeting with the witches, once he knew his destiny he would do anything to get it as soon as he could. The witches told him he would be thane of Cowdor, and then he would be crowned king. His power mad wife often challenged his position. ââ¬ËWhy do you make such facesââ¬â¢ Macbeth showed feeling he didnââ¬â¢t want to kill Duncan but callas Lady Macbeth drove him to it ââ¬ËThat I may pour my spirits in thine ear and chastise with the valour of my tongueââ¬â¢ this shows the power she had over him. Macbeth is good not evil ââ¬Ëyet I do fear thy nature, it is too full oââ¬â¢thââ¬â¢milk of human kindnessââ¬â¢ Where as Macbeth is a gentle person. Lady Macbeth calls upon the spirits to make her evil enough to commit murder. ââ¬ËCome you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here and fill me from the crown to toe top full of direst cruelty make thick my blood. The planning of Duncanââ¬â¢s murder was quite disturbing Lady Macbeth proves her callas feelings. The death is like a challenge. ââ¬ËArt thou afeared to be the same in thine own act and valour as thou art in desire?ââ¬â¢ She accuses him of breaking promises, that he isnââ¬â¢t strong enough to accept the challenges ââ¬Ëwouldst thou have that which thou esteemââ¬â¢st the ornament of life, And youââ¬â¢re a coward in thine own esteemââ¬â¢ Macbeth braves himself as a man and accepts the challenge ââ¬ËI dare do all that may become a man, who dares do more is noneââ¬â¢ Lady Macbeth shows some feeling like the feeling she may once have had for her child ââ¬ËI have given suck and know how tender tis to love the babe that milks me. I would, while it was smiling in my face, have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn to you have done to thisââ¬â¢ Her feelings soon turn evil as she says to Macbeth she would rather kill her child than break her promise. There was also many reasons why Macbeth shouldnââ¬â¢t kill Duncan ââ¬ËHeââ¬â¢s here in double trust first I am his kings man and his subject, strong both against the deed then, as his host. Who should against his murder shut the door, not bear the knife myselfâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬â¢this Duncan been so clear in his great officeââ¬â¢ Macbeth was related to king, he was Duncanââ¬â¢s host. Duncan was a good king if Macbeth went ahead with the murder he could loose everything. It was worse to kill a king than anyone else. It was a huge sin against god. God chose who was to be king. Lady Macbeth made most of the plans for the murder, she controlled Macbeth. She told him when and how to commit Duncanââ¬â¢s murder. Macbeth said the dagger showed the way to Duncanââ¬â¢s room. The night for Duncanââ¬â¢s death was perfect. Crows searched the courtyard a sign of death. An owl shrieked anther sign that evil was in the air. When Duncan had retired to his room and the guards had fell asleep Macbeth brutality stabbed Duncan in the chest with a dagger. Macbeth returned out of Duncanââ¬â¢s room with the evidence in his hand. He refused to re-enter the room so lady Macbeth took them back in the room and put the blood of Duncan on the guards face to make it look like they had killed Duncan. Macbeth didnââ¬â¢t prove to be a very good or popular king. Many people didnââ¬â¢t respect him. He lost many of his friends especially his supposed best friend Banquo whom he had killed as he suspected Macbeth had killed Duncan. Later at one of Macbeth banquets, he started to talk to a ghost that wasnââ¬â¢t even there. Lady Macbeth tried to cover it up. The second meeting with the witches as deliberate they told Macbeth words with double meanings. They told Macbeth he would be king until the wood moved. Macbeth thought he was safe, as wood couldnââ¬â¢t move. The witches tricked Macbeth so the audience would see the witches as evil. Macbeth wasnââ¬â¢t much better himself the most loyal thing he did while wearing the crown was suffer a soldiers death. He died a lonely man his wife had gone crazy and killed herself she jumped of the castles balcony. The audience views Macbeth would change at different points in the play. They would see him as a loyal soldier but then he turned evil but he still had some feelings he didnââ¬â¢t want to kill Duncan he was bullied by his wife. After the dirty deal was done he never returned from the evils scheming. In conclusion I think Macbeth is a very good play. It is a fast moving play. Which includes love, deception, and murder. Aspects that would appeal to all audiences. The audience would be relieved that justice was done. By including these features I feel that Macbeth has proved the test of time as one of the best plays of all time. Many theatres today still make reproductions of the play. I think Shakespeare truly has lived up to his title as a great play writer.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Compare and Contrast the Literary Essay
Atonement follows the story of Briony Tallis, who witnesses events between her older sister Cecilia and Robbie Turner the son of her fatherââ¬â¢s housemaid. Brionyââ¬â¢s innocence gives way to a misinterpretation of what she sees, triggering her imagination to run wild and leads to an unspeakable crime that changes all of their lives. Jane Austenââ¬â¢s first novel Northanger abbey tells the story of Catherine Morland, who is a nice girl, who has an overactive imagination, fuelled by her obsession with gothic novels. When Catherine meets Henry Tinley, sheââ¬â¢s instantly smitten. But when sheââ¬â¢s invited to his home, the sinister Northanger Abbey, she learns not to interpret the world through the pages of the vivid thrillers that she reads. There are various themes that both books have in common such as; love, guilt, shame, forgiveness, war, social class, identity, and loss of innocence. There are also similarities between characters despite the time difference between the novels. The Characters of Briony and Catherine, the two heroines, will be compared as well as John Thorpe and Paul Marshall who are cast in the role of the villains. In this essay I will explore and compare the style and language used for both novels and effects of the styles of writing used and their impressions on the reader will be analysed. In Northanger Abbey the main character is Catherine, a 17 year old who is very naive, impressionable and a bit of a fantasist who has to learn the differences between fiction and reality, false and true friends. Catherine is a fairly unremarkable young lady, living at home with her nine siblings and her parents. The Allenââ¬â¢s are a wealthy childless couple living next door. Before going to Bath with the Allenââ¬â¢s, Catherine has never been away from her family home in Fullerton for an extended period of time. Catherineââ¬â¢s main occupation is reading Gothic novels, particularly Anne Radcliffeââ¬â¢s The Mysteries of Udolpho. This leads her to imagine herself as the heroine of a Gothic murder mystery when she visits the Tinleyââ¬â¢s at Northanger Abbey. Catherine believes what she imagines will come true, swept up in a world of birds singing, a beautiful world, however reality is different. Catherineââ¬â¢s views of life are tinted by the romantic Gothic ovels she often loses herself in, coupled with her inexperience and naivete within her nature, it leads to some misfortunes during her time in Bath. Catherine eventually realizes her mistake and repents her accusations of General Tilney, whom she believed played a part in his wifeââ¬â¢s death. Catherine matures over the course of the novel and becomes more independent and proficient at assessing the true characters of those around her. Her infatuation with Henry deepens into a genuine affection, and her patience is rewarded by their marriage. Northanger Abbey is set over a season of which Catherine over time develops from being a naive impressionable young girl into a mature realistic woman. From the beginning of the novel Catherine believes that everyone is good, kind and honest like she is. This is because of the sheltered life she has lead and her willingness to see the good in people. Having learnt the ways of the world, knowing that all that glitters is not gold, people are not always what they make out to be. She learns to read people and works out that real life is very different from that in her books. While in Bath, Catherine meets and befriends two families: the scheming Thorpeââ¬â¢s and the wealthy, educated Tinleyââ¬â¢s. She meets the charming, witty Henry Tinley at the ball and has growing feelings for him, she also meets, Isabella Thorpe, who is a two faced, self-centred girl, out to get what she wants at any cost. However the girls become friends and read novels, gossip and attend balls together. Briony is the main character of the book atonement. In essence, she is the author and the story is told through her eyes. Briony is the thirteen-year-old youngest daughter of three, who aspires to be a writer, like Catherine she is a heroine, fantasist, a bit of a loner, a day dreamer and she idolises older people in her life, putting them on a pedestal. Innocent Briony lives in a pleasant world, with her sister Cecilia, brother Leon, and her parents. However, her parents are often absent with her mother being ill and her father working in London. Briony is from a privileged background. The narrator refers to Briony as a little girl whose effective status is of an only child. She seeks praise and approval and looks for attention and is the baby of the family. Briony has led a sheltered life ââ¬Ëbubble lifeââ¬â¢ as she is always looked after. When we meet her, she has written a play called ââ¬Å"The Trials of Arabellaâ⬠which she also attempts to star in and direct. It is clear to the reader that Briony is a girl with an extended and vivid imagination. Her reality compared to her high-demand vision of life is called nothing but ââ¬Å"dreams and frustrations. â⬠She entertains a high amount of self-pity when she doesnââ¬â¢t get what she wants and expects too much from the people and the world around her. Briony is losing her innocence from the moment ââ¬Å"Atonementâ⬠begins. She misinterprets the motives and intentions of adult behaviour. This causes her to trigger a series of events that will have long-lasting and incredibly damaging results for the parties involved. Briony grows up to serve as a nurse in London during World War Two. She also begins to write while in London and by the end of the book we meet Briony as a 77 year old who has just learned of a terminal illness (vascular dementia). She is being celebrated by her family for her successes as a writer. It is during this final chapter that we learn Briony to be the author of our tale. Ian McEwanââ¬â¢s Atonement opens up with a quote (a letter) from Jane Austenââ¬â¢s 1818 Northanger Abbey, ââ¬Å"Dear Miss Morland, consider the dreadful nature of the suspicions you have entertained. What have you been judging from? Remember the country and the age in which we live. Remember that we are English: that we are Christians. Consult your own understanding, your own sense of the probable, your own observation of what is passing around you. Does our education prepare us for such atrocities? Do our laws connive at them? Could they be perpetrated without being known in a country like this, where social and literary intercourse is on such a footing, where every man is surrounded by a neighbourhood of voluntary spies, and where roads and newspapers lay everything open? Dearest Miss Morland, what ideas have you been admitting? They had reached the end of the gallery; and with tears of shame, she ran off to her own room. This long quote that begins the novel is a letter to the young Catherine Morland, the heroine of Austenââ¬â¢s tale who is a girl that is in love with Gothic fiction that she sends the lives of people around her into a downward spiral by imagining a perfectly innocent man to be capable of doing terrible things. Catherine basically creates a Gothic tale to suit her own life. McEwan takes Austenââ¬â¢s theme of the process of the dangers of transferring fiction to real life. When Catherine reads the letter, she has ââ¬Å"tears of shame. â⬠Just like Briony, she becomes aware of her crime. Brionyââ¬â¢s atonement for her crime is to spend a lifetime writing her novel, convicted to write it over and over and over again. Once she discovers she is dying, she is finally able to complete the book, but in a different way that she ever had before. As she sees it, she fails to have the courage of pessimism, and rewrites a fictional fairy tale in which the lovers survive. But in contrast to Northanger Abbey Atonement ends in a very vague way, In that the lovers survive but as we are made aware that Briony is in fact the author, Cecilia and Robbie are absent from her birthday celebration and the reader is left questioning whether they really survived or not. Perception, misunderstanding, and a vast imagination are characteristics that both Catherine and Brioney have in common. Catherineââ¬â¢s imagination is shaped by her experience reading the Gothic novels of Anne Radcliffe. Being caught up in her fantasies, Catherine still expects to encounter the same scary objects she has read about such as bloody daggers and ghostly shrouds of which may be hidden in secret places throughout the house. Even when she finds only ordinary objects such as a quilt, in place of their imagined counterparts, Catherine refuses to abandon her vision of Northangerââ¬â¢s mysterious history until reality imposes her to in the form of Henryââ¬â¢s talking-to. Austen hereby suggests in order for Catherine to see clearly things for what they are she must divorce herself from such fiction because only then can Catherine truly grow, and not mix her reality with that of the one she imagines in her head. Whereas Briony is too young to fully grasp the adult world yet old enough to presume she understands her social environment, what happens in Atonement is all created by the capability to misinterpret observation. Briony is still a child; her obsession with order, her fantasizing about playwriting and fencing, and the seriousness with which she takes her play all represent her at a point where she is too young to see the world beyond her own existence. This flaw is not her fault. It is a part of the maturing process. Most of the action that is misinterpreted in atonement takes place where some senses are obstructed or absent while others are available, such as Briony can see the incident between Cecilia and Robbie at the fountain, but she canââ¬â¢t hear it. Briony reads the words in the letter, but she doesnââ¬â¢t know what it means nor does she understand it. Briony sees Cecilia and Robbie in the library, but nobody speaks of it and finally, Briony hears Lola being raped, but canââ¬â¢t completely see what/who it is because it is dark. Part One of atonement is based on perception and misperception. Even the narration of the novel plays on this idea. McEwan continuously has to repeat the same episode through different perspectives so that the reader can get the whole picture to show Brionyââ¬â¢s misconception of events as a young girl. By doing this McEwan showcases Brionys guilt and how she is trying her best to make up for what she did not understand as a child and what she struggles with as an author by presenting the story from every angle, and not just the writerââ¬â¢s point of view. Many of the characters in Northanger Abbey define themselves on the basis of their material wealth, they are obsessed with the acquisition and upkeep of material objects. Mrs Allen, for instance, is always worried about tearing her latest ball gown. Upon arriving in Bath, Catherine and Isabella spend a portion of each day walking around town, viewing the window displays, and Isabella is constantly comparing her attire with other womenââ¬â¢s. General Tinley is the novelââ¬â¢s most materialistic character. He has devoted his life to outdoing his wealthy peers through the size, scale, and expense of his estate. Catherine is constantly asked to compare and judge the Generalââ¬â¢s possessions against Mr Allenââ¬â¢s upon her arrival to Northanger Abbey. Austenââ¬â¢s writing seems covertly critical of these attitudes, but as illustrated especially in her more famous novels ââ¬â she is a satirist; this is to say her humour is always gentle, mixed with real affection for her characters and their shortcomings. They may fret about their possessions in excess, but they do so in well-meaning ways. This contrasts heavily to McEwanââ¬â¢s novel though inequities and injustices of social class appear throughout the novel, the most obvious example is the relationship between Robbie Turner and Cecilia Tallis. Because Briony thinks her older sister is in grave danger of falling beneath her class that she sets out to protect her. Placing social distinction above love is common sense for Briony, and her disapproval of Robbie proves this faculty to hold up in the courts. As for Cecilia, she is the only character in the story to deal with these issues head on. After realizing her unfair behaviour towards Robbie while at Cambridge together, Cecilia has the courage to announce her love for him when she defends the letter being passed around the living room for all to read as evidence of Robbieââ¬â¢s sex-maniac ways. Even when he is arrested, she stands by him, and soon thereafter disowns her family to become a nurse living in a terrible flat in north London. The only other person accused of the rape is the other servant, Danny Hardman. And even when his father provides a perfectly suitable alibi, it is not presented without question and doubt. Paul Marshall on the other hand, the filthy rich guest to the home who is actually responsible for the crime, is never even considered or questioned. As part of Brionyââ¬â¢s self-administered punishment, she joins the nurses in the lower class where she sees herself as a slave. This may have been an act of repentance and nobility during the war, but its motives are questionable because by the end of the novel, Briony is admitted back up the ranks of class, having a chauffeur and a lovely flat in Regentââ¬â¢s park. The reader is left wondering how much has really changed in the 65 years the novel has taken place The styles of writing are different; Austen in Northanger Abbey uses formal, structured language and the sentences are longer and more complex. However this writing style makes it easier to pick up on what Austen does best which is satire. In her writing she makes fun of the upper class lifestyle, by making her heroine an ordinary girl. In Atonement, McEwan writes using informal, language, everyday conversational language and Robbie is the commoner, living with the Tallis, who have took him in and looked after him. Northanger Abbey is pre 1900 and Atonement is post 1900. The books are linked by class, love, the diversities of family life, imagination, misunderstanding and the touching life experiences that the characters have gone through. There are various themes that both novels share such as relationships and conflicts including love and romance. Letters are a primary form of communication in Austenââ¬â¢s novel and characters wait readily for the mail coach to arrive, for instance when Isabella waits for James to write to tell her of his fatherââ¬â¢s approval for their marriage. It provides the characters of Northanger Abbey with realistic visions of other worlds, where exaggerated occurrences happen on a daily basis. For a young woman like Catherine, reading allows her to access the kind of dramatic conflict that her own life lacks, at least until she arrives at Northanger Abbey. Similarly to this form of communication, in McEwan novel we learn the story was told through letters between Cecilia and Robbie, and even correspondence between Corporal Nettles and Briony. It leaves the question very open: Whose story is this? But McEwan plays with a layered-tradition: a story being told by one of the characters in the bhthird person, that shifts to the first person in the final section of the book when the reader realizes who the narrator is. To conclude with though both novel are excellent in their own right, I question whether the story of Atonement is real or not, It leaves the reader wondering whether or not Briony in the end sought her atonement and forgiveness for her misunderstanding as a child and the guilt that she carried for all those years and whether she was really successful in her quest. It also gets you to question whether Briony is the only guilty party or whether it should be shared to others such as Lola, for not speaking up about the alleged rape. Paul Marshall for raping an innocent girl and not admitting his wrong doings etcâ⬠¦ As the novel comes to the end many questions are still unanswered and the reader though gaining insight that Briony is the narrator it is still questionable as to who the actual author is Briony or McEwan and who is capable of telling the complete story as to what really happened? All authors are subject to their own interpretation of events. There are numerous references made to literature in McEwanââ¬â¢s novel, such as Robbie being a literature major that reads and understand all the classic English novels and poets. Robbie is also the innocent victim in the book. And the most obvious, Briony admits to making up the happy ending of love in her story. When Briony admits to us that it has taken her sixty-four years and countless drafts to complete her book, we have to ask ourselves: ââ¬Å"Which is the ââ¬Ërealââ¬â¢ one? Whereas Austen writes directly, this calls our attention to the novelââ¬â¢s fictional qualities: she wants us to know that we are reading a work of art For example; Austen lets us know from the very beginning of the novel that we are meant to compare Catherine with the eroines of earlier novels. Austen directly challenges the cliches of the emerging genre in order to solidify her own voice as a writer. As a reader you question what role does Austenââ¬â¢s memory have in the book, how does the reader differentiate between what is real and imagined. Just as Briony has told the story based on what is left of her memory towards the end of her life. But this influences our ju dgement on whether the story is accurately recited, and how much has her illness affected her memory and whether it is reliable or not. Both books have the love of literature illustrated within them. Before Atonement even starts, the reader is given a Romantic novel quote something out of Jane Austenââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Northanger Abbey. â⬠This sets the tone for a book that will be packed with literary allegory. Even the form of the book walks the reader through some of English literatureââ¬â¢s historical periods such as Austenââ¬â¢esque Romanticism in Part One; Historical Fiction War Story in part two; Victorian or Modern Memoir in part three; and Post Modern speculation and theory in part four. Just as Austenââ¬â¢s description of Catherineââ¬â¢s overeager fantasy is clearly a mockery of many Gothic conventions, ranging from the existence of a long-suffering female victim to the overpowering of a familyââ¬â¢s history in hidden rooms and locked chests. It can be said that with a great novel, the reader learns much about the truth. That is indeed the case with Ian McEwan and his artful masterpiece, Atonement. In due course, it is fair to say as a reader you come away from the experience having learned a great deal more about the truth. Whereas Austenââ¬â¢s novel the reader is able to learn that we as humans cannot escape reality by envisioning the world through how we would like to see it in our heads. We need to embrace the shortcoming that life throws at us and see things for what they truly are. Also both novels teach us that a simple misunderstanding could have a ripple effect that impacts those around us if we chose to live within a box and not try to broaden our perspectives.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Brave New World - Cloning essays
Brave New World - Cloning essays I think that cloning is a bad thing as it takes away many of the special things that make us human. I think that the negatives outweigh the positives so therefore I have opted to argue the negatives of cloning. The first issue that cloning brings up is the idea that we are losing our individuality. I think that to be brought up in a family that values the individual, I have come to the conclusion that to be cloned is to be made scientifically. I believe that science takes away individuality. I think that if you are made in a test tube with up to 86 identical in the surrounding test tubes, where is the individuality? With twins, finding individuality is hard enough, let alone with 86 other individuals. I think that there is no way there is 86 different personalities, which means that not only are you identical in looks, but also personality. I think that you need to feel as though you are special with your own unique looks and personality. As each of us, are all different looking, with different backgrounds and different views, and if we didnt have these differences, we would be all the same. What would be the point in that? We would have the same ideas and values. I think that unless we are individuals, the world will not move on, as ideas are individual. Cloning would take away all this individuality and leave us being monotones of each other. I think that also, we will not have a natural body form and looks. With cloning and genetics, you can decide how smart, good looking, tall, short and pretty your child is. Even though we are not all happy with the way we are now, having the perfect set of body images and intelligence. This would just lead to all the so called perfect people being unhappy with themselves anyway, as they will not be the only ones who have these qualities but all other children will too. This would be a silly idea, as then the people would just be dissatisfied anyw ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Whistleblower, Ethic audit & ethic officer Essay
Whistleblower, Ethic audit & ethic officer - Essay Example ut safeguarding their image before the society and maintaining customer loyalty, but it is also about fixing errors within the business and appreciating those that identify the errors and bring them to the managementââ¬â¢s attention. Erroneous financial statements may work for a short while but eventually if the mistakes are not identified and eradicated in time, they might incur the business a lot of cost in the long run. Business owners should place value in such loyal employees as Sherron Watkins and appreciate them for their dedication and courage rather than label them as whistle-blowers. On the other hand, from the employeesââ¬â¢ perspective, this ethical issue is worth being concerned about because if they do not do justice to their job by telling the truth, they are being part of the act of fraud. Identifying errors, bringing them to the attention of the concerned authority, and suggesting ways for their eradication is the fundamental responsibility of every employee in the
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Eating Attitude Test Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Eating Attitude Test - Research Paper Example A changed nutritional condition in individuals with eating disorders arises from the irregular or unusual eating patterns and attitudes and cognitive changes associated with the weight and food that are the main attributes of such disorders. Since eating attitudes and related behaviors differ considerably across patients and disorders, nutritional condition and consequent problems show significant variation. Nevertheless, a model for carrying out and assessing the nutritional evaluation of these patients can be helpful. Such a feature of assessment is a major part of the diagnosis for it allows continuous observation of the outcomes or impact of the intervention. Furthermore, it could help in the timely diagnosis of an emerging eating disorder or an at-risk person and hence could contribute to prevention. Due to the dominant belief that medical interviews are needed for diagnosis, self-assessment questionnaires evaluating such areas could be most helpful when used as screening instruments, as quantitative measures of the extent of eating-connected symptoms, and as indices of treatment effects and advancement. Among the instruments utilized for assessing eating-connected symptoms are Eating Attitudes Test (EAT); the Binge Eating Scale; and the EDI Symptom Checklist. Each instrument has been used in both research and medical settings and has been proven valid and reliable. The EAT was initially constructed to evaluate behaviors and attitudes typical of anorexic people. It not merely differentiates anorexic subjects from control groups but also differentiates bulimic ones from controls.Ã
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